Kattis Performace Tracker shows your Kattis problem solving activity. You can switch between many Kattis accounts The color for the calendar is based on github contribution graph.
I built this project to keep track of my performance solving problems on open.kattis.com. Also, I wanted to try web scraping and to practice building a web application using Flask framework, SQLite database, and Python requests module.
I spent quite a large portion of my univeristy time on solving problems on open.kattis.com with a dream of ranking #1 among former and current students and professors at UVic. My dream came true before I graduated 😊
Check out the UVic Scoreboard.
Log in Kattis, go back to the app and enter your user name and token, then click "Add Account". You can add another account by log out of Kattis then log in with your other account.