I'm a full stack web developer (FSWD). It's my calling and my passion. 👨💻
I have proficiencies in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with experience in developing apps employing the MERN stack. I have worked with Firebase and MySQL as well. An avid learner, I'm always eager to add new technologies to my skillset. 🧰
On a personal level, I love a steamy cup of oolong tea and an enlightening book. Principle-driven, I seek to be a better iteration of me each day. Meditation and mindfulness are key to my personal growth. 🧘♂️
I am happiest when I'm writing code. My digital companion in this endeavor is a MacBook Pro 16. Although a bit dated, it has served me well. (In case you're wondering: yes, I am an Apple fanboy.) Looking toward the future, I can't wait for the day when I can discuss my existential angst with Siri. 🤓