Angular Bootstrap Date Range Picker directive that uses the bootstrap-daterangepicker beneath.
bower install iisg/angular-bootstrap-daterangepicker --save
Require the fslab.inputblocker
in your main module.
angular.module('myApp', ['fslab.daterangepicker'])
And use it in your view
<button fslab-date-range-picker
class="btn btn-default">
{{ dateRange | fslabDateRange }}
Or for button that looks like an input:
<span fslab-date-range-picker-button ng-model="dateRange"></span>
should be given in the format specified in the locale configuration or'today'
if the maximum allowed date should be the same as current date (only past dates)min-date
should be given in the format specified in the locale configuration or'today'
if the minimum allowed date should be the same as current date (only future dates)
You can set any option the bootstrap-daterangepicker supports. You can see the default configuration below:
angular.module("myApp").config (dateRangePickerConfigProvider) ->
dateRangePickerConfigProvider.config.locale =
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
fromLabel: 'From'
toLabel: 'To'
applyLabel: 'OK'
cancelLabel: 'Clear'
customRangeLabel: 'Other'
emptyFilterLabel: 'choose date range'
dateRangePickerConfigProvider.config.ranges =
'Incoming week': [moment(), moment().add(7, 'days')]
'Tomorrow': [moment().add(1, 'days'), moment().add(1, 'days')]
'Today': [moment(), moment()]
'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')]
'Past week': [moment().subtract(7, 'days'), moment()]
'Past 30 days': [moment().subtract(30, 'days'), moment()]