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Via Appia Novel

Via Appia Novel Generator for NaNoGenMo 2015

NaNoGenMo 20145

National Novel Generation Month Project 2015

NaNoGenMo 2015: It started as a joke on Twitter by Darius Kazemi and grew into an entire month of people creating novel-writing generators. This one is mine.

A thread about its development can be found here.

The final NaNoGenMo edition of the novel is here: Virgil's Commonplace Book

This project and my erat_viator twitterbot project are conceptually linked.

Previous projects

I've also done novel generators for all of the past NaNoGenMos:

For 2014, The Infinite Garden of One Thousand and One Stories

For 2013, Gutenberg Shuffle

About the generator

The book generator is a Python program that outputs a Markdown text file designed to be converted into PDF form via Pandoc.

pandoc output.markdown -S --normalize --toc \\
-o via_appia_test.pdf --latex-engine=xelatex \\
--template novel_template.latex \\
--variable otherlangs=polutonikogreek,greek \\
--variable lang="english" -V geometry:paperwidth=6in \\
-V geometry:paperheight=9in -V geometry:margin=.9in \\
-V fontfamily:"DejaVu Serif" -V linestretch:1.2 \\
-V documentclass=book

Requirements.txt specifies an overkill of libraries because I used the same virtual environment to develop three separate procedural generation projects this month. You probably don't need two separate twitter libraries and NLTK to run this. Probably.


Copyright © 2015 Isaac J. Karth

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


Via Appia Novel Generator for NaNoGenMo 2015







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