Credits to the people at iku for the original script
_G.AutofarmSettings = {
["AttackMode"] = "2",
--// ^ 1 - Fast Punch | 2 - Super Punch - fastest with max moveset | 3 - Knife
["Fps"] = "60",
--// ^ Wouldnt recommend going below 5. ^
["VolumeOff"] = false,
--// ^ true - mutes audio | false - doesn't mute audio
["LowGfx"] = true,
--// ^ true - turns on low gfx | false - does nothing
["ForceResetOnKO"] = true,
--// ^ true - resets on KO | false - does nothing
["ScreenVisible"] = true,
--// ^ true - allows for you to see | false - hides screen behind gui
["Codes"] = {
--// ^ (optional) Codes that will be automatically claimed. ^
["Webhook"] = "",
--// ^ (optional) Webhook link that logs will be sent to. ^
["LogInterval"] = "2",
--// ^ How often the logs will be sent in minutes.
["Credits"] = "iku autofarm - by @trans | editted by"
--// ^ credits. don't remove or the script won't work
my server (has more scripts):