- Spring REST API + OAuth2 + AngularJS
- Using JWT with Spring Security OAuth
- OAuth2 for a Spring REST API – Handle the Refresh Token in AngularJS
- Spring Security OAuth2 – Simple Token Revocation
- OAuth2.0 and Dynamic Client Registration
- Testing an OAuth Secured API with the Spring MVC Test Support
- Logout in a OAuth Secured Application
- Angular 4 Upgrade for Spring Security OAuth
mvn clean install
modules are just for live workshops, so you can ignore those -
This project consists of 4 main sub-modules, each sub-module is a Spring Boot Application running on specific port
- spring-security-oauth-server (port = 8081)
- spring-security-oauth-resource (port = 8082)
- spring-security-oauth-ui-implicit (port = 8083)
- spring-security-oauth-ui-password (port = 8084)
To run the project, run both spring-security-oauth-server and spring-security-oauth-resource first - then run any of the UI modules
You can run any sub-module using command line:
mvn spring-boot:run
- spring-security-oauth-ui-password has "live" profile for live tests, in order to run it use the following command:
mvn clean install -Plive
- spring-security-oauth-server has "mvc" profile for testing an OAuth-secured API with Spring MVC, in order to run it use the following command:
mvn clean install -Pmvc
- To run any of Angular4 front-end modules (spring-security-oauth-ui-implicit-angular4 and spring-security-oauth-ui-password-angular4) , we need to build the app first:
mvn clean install
Then we need to navigate to our Angular app directory:
cd src/main/resources
Finally, we will start our app:
npm start