Input Processing Functions:
Ultrasonic Sensor:
- Function to read data from the ultrasonic sensor.
- Function to convert the sensor data into a usable format (e.g., map the distance to a range of harmonics).
- Function to read rotational data from the accelerometer.
- Function to convert rotational data into pitch information.
Signal Generation Functions:
- Waveform Generation:
- Functions to generate different waveforms (sawtooth wave, sine wave, Karplus-Strong).
- Parameters for controlling the characteristics of the generated waveforms (frequency, amplitude, etc.).
- Waveform Generation:
System Initialization and Control:
- Initialization Function:
- Initialize all necessary hardware and software components.
- Main Control Loop:
- The main loop that coordinates the system's operation.
- Initialization Function:
The above is the priority at the moment
Remember to modularize the code, keeping related functions together in separate files. This approach makes it easier to manage, debug, and extend your software. Additionally, it's beneficial to add comments to your code to explain the purpose and functionality of each function.