A script for making CLI Slideshows
You need to have Figlet installed in order to generate the formatted CLI text:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install figlet
You also need to install additional fonts from http://www.figlet.org/examples.html
First, Download the fonts: ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/fonts/contributed.tar.gz
Then extract them:
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/contributed.tar.gz -C ~/Downloads/.
And make them available to all users on your computer:
sudo cp -R ~/Downloads/contributed/* /usr/share/figlet/.
See this helpful guide for more info.
Download this project: https://github.com/Jantcu/clideshow/archive/master.zip
Unzip it:
unzip ~/Downloads/clideshow-master.zip -d ~/Downloads/.
Run a presentation using the test slides provided:
~/Downloads/clideshow-master/clideshow.sh present ~/Downloads/clideshow-master/example_slides