Designed and Implemented 5 different web apps to get the Professional Certificate in Computer Science for Web Programming from Harvard University.
- Programming Languages: Python, Javascript, SQL, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks: Django, React, Bootstrap
- Tools: Visual Studio Code, Terminal (macOS), Craft, Safari and Chrome
- Network: Designed a Twitter-like social network website for making posts and following users.
- Mail: Designed a front-end for an email client that makes API calls to send and receive emails.
- Commerce: Designed an eBay-like e-commerce auction site that allows users to post auction listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings, and add listings to a “watchlist.”
- Wiki: Designed a Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia.
- Search: Designed a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search.
- Bootstrap:
- Django Modal field reference:
- Django forms:
- Django QuerySet:
- CS50’s Web Programming with Python and Javascript: