Clone or download this repository head to the root folder, then run:
npm install
To start the server
node main.js
To generate your links.json of all available jobs.
To generate your individual json files based of links.json
In broader list see if a url is an element already before adding.
For job title - If the formatting doesn't include the h1 the h2 grabs more than is needed.
Regex location and position so if there's more than one we chuck it into an array.
Regex description to remove (/n, /t etc.) -
Grab all the data from AMP
Grab specific job links
Grab specific Job Data
Format into JSON Will only create invidual .json if it doesn't already exist
express (Quick formatting)
cheerio (personally new library, good DOM mapping)
Notes so far:
Enjoy using Cheerio for jQuery, unsure if it's really much easier than without though.