WhiteboxTools v1.3.1
This release adds a few new tools, including two options for creating more advanced hillshade images from DEMs, and better raster file support. This includes critical fixes for the WBT GeoTIFF reader/writer and added support for reading BIL files.
- Added the HypsometricallyTintedHillshade tool to create hypsometric tinted hillshades.
- Added the MultidirectionalHillshade tool.
- Added the ability to read/write in the Esri BIL raster format.
- Added the LidarRooftopAnalysis tool.
- The MultiPartToSinglePart tool now handles MultiPoint vectors.
- Fixed a bug with the VoronoiDiagram to better handle MultiPoint vectors.
- Fixed an issue with writing compressed RGB GeoTIFFs.
- Fixed an issue reading LZW compressed GeoTIFFs.