WhiteboxTools v2.0.0
The most important feature in this release is the addition of support for reading and writing the LAZ compressed LiDAR format for all of the LiDAR tools in WBT.
- Added the RasterCalculator tool for performing complex mathematical operations on input rasters.
- Added the ConditionalEvaluation tool for performing an if-then-else operation on an input raster.
- Added the EdgeContamination tool to identify grid cells for which the upslope area extends beyond the data extent.
- Added the ExposureTowardsWind tool.
- Added the QuinnFlowAccumulation tool to perform a Quinn et al. (1995) flow accumulation operation.
- Added the QinFlowAccumulation tool to perform a Qin et al. (2007) flow accumulation operation.
- Added the Rho8FlowAccumulation tool to perform a Fairfield and Leymarie (1991) flow accumulation operation.
- LidarHistogram now allows a GPS time parameter, which can be useful for determining the number of flightlines in a LiDAR tile.
- Fixed a bug with the Resample tool that created an artifact when resampling to resolutions less than one meter.
- Fixed a bug that prevented plugin tools from being discovered by the open-core when run from the command line on PATH when the working directory was something other than WBT.
- Fixed several bugs in the ContoursFromPoints tool.
- Fixed the z_factor calculation for large-extent DEMs in geographic coordinates for the geomorphometric shape metric tools, e.g., slope, aspect, hillshade, and curvatures. The new approach calculates a different z_factor conversion value for each row in the raster, rather than using a single value based on the raster mid-point latitude. This should help improve the accuracy of these shape indices on large-extent rasters in geographic coordinate systems.
- Fixed several bugs in the Isobasins and D8FlowAccumulation tool.
- The NewRasterFromBase tool now accepts a vector base file (and grid cell size) as well as a raster.
- The WhiteboxTools User Manual has had a refresh and is now hosted at: https://www.whiteboxgeo.com/manual/wbt_book/intro.html.
- We have added numerous tools to the WhiteboxTools Extensions.