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PyTorch implementation of “Conditional Adversarial Camera Model Anonymization” (ECCV 2020 Advances in Image Manipulation Workshop)


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Conditional Adversarial Camera Model Anonymization

PyTorch implementation of Conditional Adversarial Camera Model Anonymization (Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020 Advances in Image Manipulation Workshop). (arXiv version).


Problem description

Camera model attribution

Digital photographs can be blindly attributed to the specific camera model used for capture.

Camera model anonymization

Conditional Adversarial Camera Model Anonymization (Cama) offers a way to preserve privacy by transforming these artifacts such that the apparent capture model is changed (targeted transformation). That is, given an image and a target label condition, the applied transformation causes a non-interactive black-box target (i.e. to be attacked/fooled) convnet classifier to predict the target label given the transformed image. While at the same time retaining the original image content.

However, Cama is trained in a non-interactive black-box setting: Cama does not have knowledge of the parameters, architecture or training randomness of , nor can Cama interact with it.

Anonymizing in-distribution images

Cama is able to successfully perform targeted transformations on in-distribution images (i.e. images captured by camera models known to it).

Example (below) of Cama transformed images with different target label conditions given an in-distribution input image (whose ground truth label is ). The applied transformations (amplified for visualization purposes) are shown as .

Anonymizing out-of-distribution images

Cama is also able to successfully perform targeted transformations on out-of-distribution images (i.e. images captured by camera models unknown to it).

Example (below) of Cama transformed images with different target label conditions given an out-of-distribution input image (whose ground truth label is ). The applied transformations (amplified for visualization purposes) are shown as .

Previous approaches to camera model anonymization

Previous works view anonymization as requiring the transformation of pixel non-uniformity (PNU) noise, which is defined as slight variations in the sensitivity of individual pixel sensors. Although initially device-specific, these variations propagate nonlinearly through a digital camera's processing steps that result in the viewable image, and thus end up also depending on model-specific aspects.

Model anonymization approaches based on PNU suppress the image content, using a denoising filter, and instead work with the noise residual, i.e. the observed image minus the estimated noise-free image content. This is premised on improving the signal-to-noise ratio between the model-specific artifacts, i.e. the signal of interest, and the observable image. However, this precludes any anonymization process from attending to discriminative low spatial frequency model-specific artifacts, since they no longer exist within the high-frequency noise residual.

Cama architecture description

We denote by and an image and its ground truth (source) camera model label, respectively, sampled from a dataset . Consider a target (i.e. to be attacked) convnet classifier with classes trained over input-output tuples . Given , outputs a prediction vector of class probabilities .

As aforementioned, Cama operates in a non-interactive black-box setting. We do, however, assume that Cama can sample from a dataset similar to , which we denote by . Precisely, Cama can sample tuples of the following form: s.t. , where s.t. . That is, the set of possible image class labels in is a superset of the set of possible image class labels in , i.e. .

Suppose and , where is a target label. Our aim is to learn a function s.t. the maximum probability satisfies . This is known as a targeted attack, whereas the maximum probability of an untargeted attack must satisfy . Cama performs targeted attacks.

Cama has two class conditional components: a generator that transforms an image conditioned on a target class label , and a discriminator that predicts whether the low-level high-frequency pixel value dependency features of any given image conditioned on a label are real or fake. In addition, Cama has a fixed (w.r.t. its parameters) dual-stream discriminative decision-making component (evaluator) that decides whether a transformed image belongs to its target class . In essence, serves as a surrogate for the non-interactive black-box . W.r.t. , a transformed image is decomposed into its high and low spatial frequency components ( and , respectively), via , with each assigned to a separate stream ( and , respectively). The evaluator then reasons over the information present in and separately (via and , respectively). This reinforces the transformation process, as is constrained to transform both high and low spatial frequency camera model-specific artifacts used by the evaluator for discrimination.

During conditional adversarial training, minimizes:

whereas minimizes:



Simply clone this repository:

git clone
cd cama
pip install -r requirements.txt


To download and preprocess the Dresden image database of JPEG colour images captured by 27 unique camera models run:


(This will also clone the Perceptual Similarity repository, which is used for computing the distortion introduced by the camera model anonymization transformation process).

The preprocessed data samples will be saved to the following folders as .pth files:

data/dataset/dresden_preprocessed/image    # RGB images [4.8GB]
data/dataset/dresden_preprocessed/prnu     # prnus with linear patterns [20GB]
data/dataset/dresden_preprocessed/remosaic # remosaiced RGB images [39GB]

Each sample (.pth file) is a tensor of size (3, 512, 512). Note that you can change the image size (as well as other parameters) in data/ file.

Each of the above folders (e.g. data/dataset/dresden_preprocessed/image) contain the following subfolders:

  • adversary (Cama train/validation data)
  • examiner (non-interactive black-box target classifier train/validation data)
  • test (in-distribution test data)
  • test_outdist (out-of-distribution test data)

(Note that the folder data/dataset/dresden_preprocessed/remosaic does not have a subfolder examiner or examiner_outdist, as this type of data is never used by a non-interactive black-box classifier for training).

The number of unique samples in adversary, examiner, examiner_outdist, test and test_outdist should be 2508, 2574, 2463, 600 and 600, respectively.


To reproduce the models in the paper, run the following scripts:


Train a PRNU estimator

To train Cama you must first train a PRNU estimator, since it is required for the adversarial training process. (Specifically, it is required by the adversarial evaluator). To train an estimator run python See below for a full list of possible parameters:


# main parameters
--user adversary                                # Dataset (adversary / examiner)
--ptc_sz 64                                     # Patch width/height
--ptc_fm 3                                      # Number of input feature maps (channels)
--expanded_cms False                            # Training with an expanded set of camera models (only valid if user is examiner)

# network architecture
--estimator_output prnu_lp                      # Estimate prnu_lp, i.e. prnu noise with linear pattern, of an rgb image (prnu_lp)
--nef 64                                        # Number of feature maps in the first and last convolutional layers
--n_blocks 2                                    # Number of residual blocks in the estimator
--drop_rate 0                                   # Dropout rate in the residual blocks

# training parameters
--batch_size 128                                # Batch size (training)
--test_batch_size 32                            # Batch size (validation / testing)")
--rnd_crops False                               # Extract patches randomly (True) or from a non-overlapping grid (False)
--n_epochs 90                                   # Total number of epochs
--n_samples_per_epoch 150000                    # Number of training samples per epoch
--optimizer adam_standard,weight_decay=0.0005   # Estimator optimizer (adam_standard,weight_decay=0.0005 / sgd,lr=0.1,weight_decay=0.0005,momentum=0.9,nesterov=True)
--save_opt True                                 # Save optimizer
--lr_milestones []                              # Epochs to divide learning rate by 10

# loaders / gpus
--n_workers 10                                  # Number of workers per data loader
--pin_memory True                               # Pin memory of data loaders
--gpu_devices 0                                 # Which gpu devices to use

# reload
--reload ""                                     # Path to a pre-trained estimator (and optimizer if saved)
--resume False                                  # Resume training

# debug
--debug False                                   # Debug mode (only use a subset of the available data)

Train an evaluator

Cama requires a dual-stream evaluator. Each stream is trained separately. To train Cama's high-frequency evaluator stream run python --clf_input prnu_lp --est_reload [PATH_TO_PRNU_ESTIMATOR.pth]. To train Cama's low-frequency evaluator stream run python --clf_input prnu_lp_low --est_reload [PATH_TO_PRNU_ESTIMATOR.pth]. See below for a full list of possible parameters:


# main parameters
--user adversary                                # Dataset (adversary / examiner)
--ptc_sz 64                                     # Patch width/height
--ptc_fm 3                                      # Number of input feature maps (channels)
--expanded_cms False                            # Training with an expanded set of camera models (only valid if user is examiner)

# network architecture
--clf_input prnu_lp                             # Classifier input (con_conv / finite_difference / fixed_hpf / rgb+con_conv / rgb+finite_difference / rgb+fixed_hpf / rgb / prnu_lp / prnu_lp_low)
--clf_architecture resnet18                     # Classifier architecture (vgg11 / vgg13 / vgg16 / vgg19 / resnet18 / resnet34 / resnet50 / densenet40 / densenet100)
--drop_rate 0.5                                 # Dropout in the classifier
--efficient False                               # Memory efficient (but slower) training for DenseNet models

# training parameters
--batch_size 128                                # Batch size (training)
--test_batch_size 16                            # Batch size (validation / testing)")
--rnd_crops False                               # Extract patches randomly (True) or from a non-overlapping grid (False)
--n_epochs 90                                   # Total number of epochs
--n_samples_per_epoch 150000                    # Number of training samples per epoch
--optimizer sgd,lr=0.1,weight_decay=0.0005,\
momentum=0.9,nesterov=True                      # Classifier optimizer (sgd,lr=0.1,weight_decay=0.0005,momentum=0.9,nesterov=True / adagrad,lr=0.1,lr_decay=0.05)
--save_opt True                                 # Save optimizer
--lr_milestones 45 68                           # Epochs to divide learning rate by 10

# loaders / gpus
--n_workers 10                                  # Number of workers per data loader
--pin_memory True                               # Pin memory of data loaders
--gpu_devices 0                                 # Which gpu devices to use

# reload
--reload ""                                     # Path to a pre-trained classifier (and optimizer if saved)
--est_reload ""                                 # Path to a a pre-trained PRNU estimator (trained with
--resume False                                  # Resume training

# debug
--debug False                                   # Debug mode (only use a subset of the available data)

Train Cama

(Assuming you have trained a PRNU estimator, a high-frequency evaluator and alow-frequency evaluator). To train Cama run python --clf_low_reload [PATH_TO_LOW_FREQ_EVALUATOR.pth] --clf_high_reload PATH_TO_HIGH_FREQ_EVALUATOR --est_reload [PATH_TO_PRNU_ESTIMATOR.pth]. See below for a full list of possible parameters:


# main parameters
--ptc_sz 64                         # Patch width/height
--ptc_fm 3                          # Number of input feature maps (channels)

# generator architecture
--gen_input remosaic                # Generator input (rgb / remosaic)
--ngf 64                            # Number of feature maps in the generator's first and last convolutional layers
--n_blocks 2                        # Number of residual blocks in the generator

# discriminator architecture
--dis_input con_conv                # Classifier input (prnu_lp / rgb / con_conv / prnu_lp_low+prnu_lp)
--ndf 64                            # Number of feature maps in the discriminator's first convolutional layer 
--use_lsgan True                    # Least squares GAN
--dis_type patch                    # Discriminator type (patch / pixel)
--n_dis_layers 2                    # Number of discriminator layers (only used if the discriminator is a patch discriminator)
--dis_drop_rate 0                   # Dropout in the discriminator

# training parameters
--pixel_loss l1                     # Pixel-wise loss (l1 / l2)
--pixel_loss_schedule 10.0, 0       # First argument: pixel loss feedback coefficient (0 to disable). Second argument: epochs to progressively increase the pixel loss coefficient (0 to disable).
--adv_loss_schedule 1.0, 0          # First argument: adversarial loss feedback coefficient (0 to disable). Second argument: epochs to progressively increase the adversarial loss coefficient (0 to disable).
--clf_low_loss_schedule 0.005, 0    # First argument: low-frequency classifier loss feedback coefficient (0 to disable). Second argument: epochs to progressively increase the pixel loss coefficient (0 to disable).
--clf_high_loss_schedule 0.005, 0   # First argument: high-frequency classifier loss feedback coefficient (0 to disable). Second argument: epochs to progressively increase the pixel loss coefficient (0 to disable).
--batch_size 128                    # Batch size (training)
--test_batch_size 16                # Batch size (validation)
--rnd_crops False                   # Extract patches randomly (True) or from a non-overlapping grid (False)
--n_epochs 200                      # Total number of epochs
--n_samples_per_epoch 150000        # Number of training samples per epoch
--gen_optimizer adam,lr=0.0002      # Generator optimizer (adam,lr=0.0002)
--dis_optimizer adam,lr=0.0002      # Discriminator optimizer (adam,lr=0.0002)
--save_opt True                     # Save optimizer
--lr_milestones []                  # Epochs to divide learning rate by 10

# visualization parameters
--padding 20                        # Amount of padding (in pixels) between images in a single plot

# loaders / gpus
--n_workers 8                       # Number of workers per data loader
--pin_memory True                   # Pin memory of data loaders
--gpu_devices 0                     # Which gpu devices to use

# reload
--reload ""                         # Path to a pre-trained conditional GAN (and optimizer if saved)
--clf_low_reload ""                 # Path to a pre-trained low-frequency classifier (trained with
--clf_high_reload ""                # Path to a pre-trained high-frequency classifier (trained with
--est_reload ""                     # Path to a a pre-trained PRNU estimator (trained with
--resume False                      # Resume training

# debug
--debug False                       # Debug mode (only use a subset of the available data)


Given a trained Cama model, to test its anonymization ability (attack success rates and distortion) on in-distribution or out-of-distribution test data run python Note that you must provide a path to either (not both concurrently) a low- or high-frequency non-interactive black-box target classifiers, which can be trained using See below for a full list of possible parameters:


# main parameters
--ptc_fm 3                      # Number of input feature maps (channels)

# testing parameters
--test_batch_size 16            # Batch size (testing)
--in_dist True                  # Are the test images in-distribution, i.e. captured by camera models known to conditional GAN?
--comp_distortion True          # Compute the distortion of the generator's outputs?
--quantize False                # Perform quantization?
--save_transformed_imgs False   # Save the transformed images to disk for reuse during other runs of testing?

# visualization parameters
--vis_out_path visualizations   # Output path for the visualizations
--visualize 10                  # Number of transformation visualizations to save (0 to disable)
--padding 20                    # Amount of padding (in pixels) between images in a single plot

# loaders / gpus
--n_workers 8                   # Number of workers per data loader
--pin_memory True               # Pin memory of data loaders
--gpu_devices 0                 # Which gpu devices to use

# reload
--reload ""                     # Path to a pre-trained conditional GAN (trained with
--clf_low_reload ""             # Path to a pre-trained low-frequency classifier (trained with
--clf_high_reload ""            # Path to a pre-trained high-frequency classifier (trained with
--est_reload ""                 # Path to a a pre-trained PRNU estimator (trained with
--transformed_imgs_reload ""    # Path to pre-computed transformed images '.pth' file


If you find this repository useful, please consider citing the following:

Andrews, J.T.A., Zhang, Y. and Griffin, L.D., 2020. Conditional Adversarial Camera Model Anonymization. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops. (arXiv version).

  title={Conditional Adversarial Camera Model Anonymization},
  author={Andrews, Jerone TA and Zhang, Yidan and Griffin, Lewis D},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops},

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