A python command line utility for creating Anki Notes using wordreference.com, wordreference.py, Anki and the AnkiConnect AddOn.
This used to be a tedious, manual process - what once took many minutes to create a note now done in seconds.
Note: Code does not add photos, that is required to be done manually by the user.
usage: WordReferenceAnkiNoteCreate.py [-h] [-c] DICTIONARY_CODE word
get translation and/or make Anki note using wordreference.com
Console output only without the -c switch.
Console output and Anki Note created with the -c switch.
positional arguments:
DICTIONARY_CODE dictionary code
word word or words (if > 1, 1st considered as an article which is not part of lookup) to translate or to make Anki Card
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --connect create an Anki Note as well
- wordreference.py wordreference.py
- Anki running with AnkiConnect AddOn installed AnkiConnect AddOn
- Change name of Anki Deck to suit (currently set to French).
- Supply desired 4 character dictionary code on command line.
- to get list of codes run wordreference.py -l
Resulting Anki Note created (Photos to be added by user, not added by code):
- wordreference.com wordreference.com
- wordreference.py wordreference.py
- Anki https://apps.ankiweb.net/
- AnkiConnect AnkiConnect AddOn