Creating and using resources can induct a cost. Please review the cost of Google Cloud and what is included in the free tier.
The goal of this project is to deploy PiHole on the free tier VM in Google cloud. Everything will be bumdled in a Docker image you can download and run to deploy your own instance.
Before you can deploy, a few things are required:
- a Google Cloud account
- either Docker (to run from the provided image), or the full list of software required (mainly Terraform and Ansible)
- a Project created in Google Cloud Platform
To create a project from the command line, you can use the docker image (or an environment with gcloud CLI installed), and run:
gcloud projects create my-pihole --name "PiHole in GCE" --labels=type=pihole
But your project ID ("my-pihole" here) must be unique ACROSS ALL GCP. Which means for instance you probablt can't create "my-pihole" as it already exists.
We are going to build the Docker image based on Google SDK docker image.
Create a folder, for instance '~/piholegcp' (it will be used to store the service account keys and various outputs), cd into it and run the docker image as follow:
docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/pihole cloudtest
- [Getting started on GCP with Terraform]
- Create a project with cloud CLI