- Carlos Cuevas Villarmin M1-AI
- Jose Felipe Espinosa Orjuela M1-AI
- Javier Alejandro Lopetegui González M1-AI
This repository contains our experiments for the final project of the Bayesian Machine Learning course at ENS-Paris-Saclay.
Title: Review of the paper Loss-Calibrated Approximate Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks.
The code in this repository is mainly based on the implementation of the paper's authors available in the github repository
Instructions for running the code:
- Install a miniconda distribution compatible with python-3.6 version (23.10 recommended). An archive of miniconda distributions for any Operative system is availabe in miniconda-repo.
- Create a conda environment using the provided environment Bayesian.yml:
conda env create -f bayesian.yml
- Activate environment:
conda activate bayesian
Chest X-rays images classification experiments:
The code for the experiments with chest X-rays images for claassifications is based on the experiment done in the paper On Calibrated Model Uncertainty in Deep Learning. The dataset is built from images availables in covid-dataset and kaggle-Chest-X-ray-images.
The code for this experiments is available in the notebooks experiments_x_rays_images_convolutional and experiments_x_rays_images_simple_model.
Report: Report_BayesianML.pdf