A while ago I needed something to convert a 5GB Outlook OST file to PST format. Turned out Aspose has a good (commercial) API/library for Java to do exactly that. I had not touched Java for 10 years but got things sorted within a few hours thanks to clear instructions and good examples and docs. I just used the example and made minimal changes, nothing more.
- Main executable: ost2pst.jar, verify: SHA512SUMS
- Windows batch file: ost2pst.bat
- Linux shell script: ost2pst.sh
- Download Java: JRE8 or alternative: JavaSE RE 8
ost2pst.bat <input.ost> <output.pst>
- same for .sh, or run the jar directly with
java -jar ost2pst.jar
- the jar needs JRE8
- Outlook 2013/2016 OST files are not supported
C:\src\ost2pst>ost2pst.bat input.ost output.pst
OST2PST (180915)
INFO: Loading OST file input.ost (5GB)
INFO: Folder 0 Root - Public
INFO: Folder 1 Root - Mailbox
INFO: Converting input.ost to output.pst - 1225MB/4731MB (26%)
20180915: improved progress indicator, updated aspose-email lib to 18.8
Import into Eclipse:
Required: Aspose.Email for Java API (lib)
To create runnable jar in Eclipse: Export > Runnable JAR file
- Aspose.Email for Java: https://products.aspose.com/email/java
- What lead me to Aspose: http://wiki.opf-labs.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=25887031
- Possible alternative https://github.com/rjohnsondev/java-libpst
moved from old repo mkorthof/Aspose.Email-for-Java