This project provides a tool which allows users collect current radon data from FTLab Radon Eye RD200 v1 and V2 (2022+) (Bluetooth only versions).
EtoTen v0.4 - 07/05/2022
- Forked Project
- Changed compatability to Python3
- Added support for new RD200 models made in 2022
- Added auto-scan ability
- Change the read function to call the handler directly, instead of interacting with the UUIDs
Note: if specifying an (-a) MAC address, you now also have to specify a device type (-t) (either 0 for original RD200 or 1 for RD200 v2)
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev
pip3 install bluepy
pip3 install paho-mqtt
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+e /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bluepy/bluepy-helper
sudo setcap cap_net_admin+eip /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bluepy/bluepy-helper
Install mosquitto MQTT add-on in HA, configure it with a local user and password
Install mosquitto MQTT integration in HA
On the host machine run:
and listen to: "environment/RADONEYE/#" in the MQTT integration in HA to verify messages are being sentpython3 -v -ms localhost -mu radonuser -mw radon123 -ma -m
Now make the app send automatic updates to HA every 3 minutes
crontab -e
*/3 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/radonreader/ -v -a 94:3c:c6:dd:42:ce -t 1 -ms localhost -mu radonuser -mw radon123 -mw radon123 -ma -m #update radon reading via MQTT every 3 minutes
- Add this to configuration.yaml:
- state_topic: "environment/RADONEYE/#"
name: 'Radon Level'
unique_id: 'radon_level'
unit_of_measurement: 'pCi/L'
value_template: "{{ value_json.radonvalue }}"
- Now you cam add a sensor card to your HA view
- FTLabs RadonEye RD200 v1 or v2
- Raspberry Pi w/Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) support (RPi 3B/4/etc...)
- Python 3.7
- bluepy Python library
- paho-mqtt Python library
- 0.4 - Forked and modified extensively
- 0.3 - Added MQTT support
usage: [-h] [-a] ADDRESS [-t] DEVICE_TYPE [-b] [-v] [-s] [-m] [-ms MQTT_SRV]
[-mp MQTT_PORT] [-mu MQTT_USER] [-mw MQTT_PW] [-ma]
RadonEye RD200 (Bluetooth/BLE) Reader
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ADDRESS Bluetooth Address (AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF format)
-t TYPE 0 for original RD200, 1 for RD200 v2 (=>2022)
-b, --becquerel Display radon value in Becquerel (Bq/m^3) unit
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
-s, --silent Only output radon value (without unit and timestamp)
-m, --mqtt Enable send output to MQTT server
-ms MQTT_SRV MQTT server URL or IP address
-mp MQTT_PORT MQTT server service port (Default: 1883)
-mu MQTT_USER MQTT server username
-mw MQTT_PW MQTT server password
-ma Enable Home Assistant MQTT output (Default: EmonCMS)
python3 -a 94:3c:c6:dd:42:ce -t 1 -v #verbose output/ specific device MAC
python3 -v #verbose output, auto scan
python3 -v -a 94:3c:c6:dd:42:ce -t 1 -ms localhost -mu radonuser -mw radon123 -ma -m #verbose output, specific device MAC, mqtt to home assistant