This projects seeks in discovering and/or familiarizing a recurring problematic in programming: searching for the optimal solution among a huge set of possibilities. In this particular project, the idea is to create an algorithm which fits some Tetriminos together into the smallest possible square, in the minimal amount of time, amount of time, despite a exponentially growing number of possibilities each time a piece is added.
Run the following commands:
- To compile
- To remove objects:
make clean
- To remove objects and binary file (program):
make fclean
- To re-compile:
make re
To execute the program:
./fillit <fillit-file>
Try running the following:
./fillit tests/fails/error_5
./fillit tests/corrects/valid_5
./fillit tests/corrects/valid_17
./fillit tests/corrects/valid_19
Usage message:
Program running: