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Saving Deposits

Manage saving deposits


Go 1.11+


The application is written with a Go backend and a Javascript (vue.js) frontend. Make sure baseUrl is set correctly in frontend/src/components/http.js, otherwise requests to the server will fail.

The server takes the database host, name and user from env variables, specifically:


Postgresql is used as a database. Make sure you createdb before starting the app.

See scripts/ for an example on how to start the server. scripts/savingDeposits is a compiled binary that can be used directly to run the server. Otherwise, you can install go > 1.11 (New modules are used) and build all the project. To obtain a binary, cd into cmd/savingDeposits and run go build ./....

Scripts in scripts DO NOT WORK if you are outside the directory. Make sure you cd into it.

To run all tests, run scripts/ As previously stated, make sure you are inside the scripts directory.

The frontend is run using vue-cli. cd into the frontend folder, install all dependencies with npm install --saveDev and then run npm run serve. This will bring up a dev server for the frontend.

Creating a first user

In order to start interacting with the system a first user must be created. The api only allows to create clients, so in order to get admin access, you must create a client user, and then change the role directly in the database. This way you will have an admin that can then be used to create realtors and more admins.


  • User must be able to create an account and log in. (If a mobile application, this means that more users can use the app from the same phone).
  • When logged in, a user can see, edit and delete saving deposits he entered.
  • Implement at least three roles with different permission levels: a regular user would only be able to CRUD on their owned records, a user manager would be able to CRUD users, and an admin would be able to CRUD all records and users.
  • A saving deposit is identified by a bank name, account number, an initial amount saved (currency in USD), start date, end date, interest percentage per year and taxes percentage.
  • The interest could be positive or negative. The taxes are only applied over profit.
  • User can filter saving deposits by the amount (minimum and maximum), bank name and date.
  • User can generate a revenue report for a given period, that will show the gains and losses from interest and taxes for each deposit. The amount should be green or red if respectively it represents a gain or loss. The report should show the sum of profits and losses at the bottom for that period.
  • The computation of profit/loss is done on a daily basis. Consider that a year is 360 days.
  • REST API. Make it possible to perform all user actions via the API, including authentication (If a mobile application and you don’t know how to create your own backend you can use or similar services to create the API).
  • In any case, you should be able to explain how a REST API works and demonstrate that by creating functional tests that use the REST Layer directly. Please be prepared to use REST clients like Postman, cURL, etc. for this purpose.
  • If it’s a web application, it must be a single-page application. All actions need to be done client side using AJAX, refreshing the page is not acceptable. (If a mobile application, disregard this).
  • Functional UI/UX design is needed. You are not required to create a unique design, however, do follow best practices to make the project as functional as possible.
  • Bonus: unit and e2e tests.


  • Add logging to db errors (Pretty much done)
  • Find a better structure for the files. Right now there are two places where routes are added. (Almost done)
  • Add ctrl+z cancellation signal.
  • Add user frontend.
  • Add some vue material library so shit looks better.
  • Figure out how to pass values dynamically.

Next actions:

  • Frontend to CRUD deposits.
  • Frontend to search deposits
  • Frontend for report.
  • Backend search.
  • Fix permissions for getting deposits for a user.
  • Fix rates to be any number not just decimal
  • Fix interest properly
  • Backend report.
  • Vselect for users.
  • Improve user creation.
  • Show icons.
  • Select ownerId when creating deposit (use v-select).
  • Display owner for admins
  • Use enter in forms.


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