This is an old project that I wrote at the end of last year. It was an assignment I found to learn Flask. I wrote it in a hurry so I decided to go back to it, refactor it, clean it up, and put it out on the interwebs. I hope you may find good use to this.
- User must be able to create an account and log in.
- When logged in, a user can see, edit and delete trips he entered.
- Implement at least three roles with different permission levels: a regular user would only be able to CRUD on their owned records, a user manager would be able to CRUD users, and an admin would be able to CRUD all records and users.
- When a trip is entered, it has Destination, StartDate, EndDate, Comment.
- When displayed, each entry also has day count to trip start (only for future trips).
- User can filter trips.
- Print travel plan for next month.
- REST API. Make it possible to perform all user actions via the API, including authentication (If a mobile application and you don’t know how to create your own backend you can use or similar services to create the API).
- All actions need to be done client side using AJAX, refreshing the page is not acceptable. (If a mobile app, disregard this) In any case you should be able to explain how a REST API works and demonstrate that by creating functional tests that use the REST Layer directly. Please be prepared to use REST clients like Postman, cURL, etc. for this purpose.
- Bonus: unit and e2e tests!
- You will not be marked on graphic design, however, do try to keep it as tidy as possible.
We have an api that supports 2 different types of objects. Users and Trips. Each of these follows standard conventions for REST:
GET /users/
: Returns all usersPOST /users/
: Creates a new userPUT /users/
: Updates all usersDELETE /users/
: Deletes list of all usersGET /users/<id>
: Returns user with IDPUT /users/<id>
: Update single userDELETE /users/<id>
: Delete the user
GET /trips/
: Returns all trips for the user in the authentication header. This method only works for authenticated users.POST /trips/
: Creates a new trip.PUT /users/
: Not supportedDELETE /users/
: Not supportedGET /trips/<id>
: Returns the trip with the given id. Makes sure the user has permissions to access this trip.PUT /trips/<id>
: Update one trip.DELETE /trips/<id>
: Delete one trip.
In addition we will support some additional endpoints
In order to run the tests, first install all the requirements, preferably inside a virtualenv.
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ tests
If you want to run javascript tests as well, run:
./manage all_tests
This will run all the tests.
First install all the requirements and then run:
python runserver
- Test aurelia code.
- Add date picker for dates
- Make resilient to page reload in the browser.
- Add edit/delete user through in the UI.
- Improve display of errors in the UI and add validations for the fields in the web.
- Editing a user by assigning an existing username returns a 201 which is incorrect. Should error out.
- Build UI for Admin user that allows viewing other user's trips.
- Improve the communication from server to client using model serializers or other mechanism.
- The full list of trips for the user was not behaving correctly, specially when adding/creating a new trip
- Deploy to a production server