Sync YouTube playlists offline. Because YT Music <insert reason here>
- Offline downloads
- Background playback
- Fluid gesture navigations
- Lyrics support
- Cross Platform (Android, IOS, MacOS, Linux and Windows)
- Follows modern material-3 interface design guidelines
- Adaptive and responsive layout
- Dark and Night mode support
- Matches your system color scheme automatically
Syncara for all platform are primarily released on Github. Tap on your device icon to directly download.
IOS: Unsigned (.ipa) builds are available. Download (IOS) from here.
Note: Use Sideloadly to install it.
Here's a Video tutorial by @ilyassesalama
MacOS: Available directly as app (.app) Download (MacOS) from here
Alternatively, you can try the nightly (unstable) build:
- @ilyassesalama - For providing
- @PranavPurwar - For building the homepage at
- To all the open source devs for their wonderful libraries.
- And to the peoples involved with this project in various ways