The JAVA API port for Kollavarsham (
Download the sources and build using ant in the project root directory.
ant clean compile jar
Note: To compile the jUnit tests, download junit.4.xx.jar to {project-root}/lib
To run the diagnostics, use the main() program in Kollavarsham using
ant run
To run the junit tests, download hamcrest-core-X.X.jar to {project-root}/lib and run the following target
ant junit
To view the report, run the following target:
ant junitreport
And point your browser to {project-root}/build/junitreport/index.html To use Kollavarsham API in a different project, add Kollavarsham.jar from {project-root}/build/jar to the classpath
import org.kollavarsham.Kollavarsham;
Kollavarsham malayalamYear = new Kollavarsham();
Calendar modernDate = Calendar.getInstance();
modernDate.set(2011, Calendar.APRIL, 4);
malayalamYear.setOptions(true, "Ujjain");
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 The Kollavarsham Team. Licensed under the MIT license.