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Merge pull request #51 from kong-education/srAtKong-patch-1 #13

Merge pull request #51 from kong-education/srAtKong-patch-1

Merge pull request #51 from kong-education/srAtKong-patch-1 #13

name: Build Customer API - Generate Kong Configs
# Run if someone pushes to the feature branch (during development)
- feat/*
- main
- 'sales/customer/opeanapi.yaml'
- 'sales/customer/kong/**'
- '.github/workflows/build-customer.yaml'
name: Convert OAS to Kong configurations
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup deck
uses: kong/setup-deck@v1
deck-version: '1.40.3'
wrapper: false
- name: Generate Kong Declarative Configs from Spec
run: |
deck file openapi2kong --spec sales/customer/openapi.yaml \
--output-file sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml
- name: Add plugin configuration
run: |
deck file merge sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml \
sales/customer/kong/plugins/*.yaml \
--output-file sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml
- name: Add consumer configuration
run: |
deck file merge sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml \
sales/customer/kong/consumers/*.yaml \
--output-file sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml
- name: Add tags
run: |
cat sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml | \
deck file add-tags sales customer \
--selector "$.services[*]" \
--selector "$.services[*].routes[*]" \
--output-file sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml
- name: Add environment Specific Patch
run: |
cat sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml | \
deck file patch sales/customer/kong/patches.yaml \
--output-file sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml
- name: Validate decK state file locally
run: |
deck file validate sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml
- name: Copy to artifact directory
run: |
cp sales/customer/kong/.generated/kong.yaml \
- name: Validate connectivity to Konnect
run: |
deck gateway ping \
--konnect-control-plane-name ${{vars.KONNECT_INTERNAL_CP}} \
--konnect-token ${{ secrets.KONNECT_PAT }} \
--konnect-addr ${{vars.KONNECT_ADDR_EU}}
- name: deck diff
id: deck-diff
# deck diff results in a multi-line output, which requires some
# bash gymnastics to handle and pass through to the next job.
# See:
run: |
EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64)
echo "DIFF<<$EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV
deck gateway diff --select-tag sales --select-tag customer \
.github/artifacts/customer/customer-kong.yaml \
--konnect-control-plane-name ${{vars.KONNECT_INTERNAL_CP}} \
--konnect-token ${{ secrets.KONNECT_PAT }} \
--konnect-addr ${{vars.KONNECT_ADDR_EU}}>> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "$EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV
#an artifact file will be committed only if it the Kong config differs from the previous one.
- name: Check status of any files to be committed
run: git status
- name: Create PR to stage changes for the Kong Gateway in production
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
title: "❗PRD❗: Staged changes for Kong Gateway PRD deployment"
labels: "PRD,kong"
body: "Merging this PR will result in the following changes deployed to PRD \n\n ```\n${{env.DIFF}}\n```"