pyBinSim is a program for audio playback and partitioned convolution in the context of binaural synthesis.
For quick and easy installation, you may use the yml file that has been provided with the repository:
$ conda env create --name binsim -f environment.yml
For a manual installation or in case something does not work, create a virtual environment and install the necessary dependencies:
$ conda create --name binsim python=3.11 $ conda activate binsim $ conda install numpy scipy pyzmq $ pip install sounddevice pysoundfile python-osc
Note: While sounddevice may also be in the conda-forge repository, it is recommended to use the pip version for ASIO support.
Additionally you will have to install pyTorch with the setup that satisfies your needs, e.g. for a conda installation on an NVidia GPU target, you may use:
$ conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
For more on this, see
On linux, make sure that gcc and the development headers for libfftw and portaudio are installed, before setting up the environment.
For ubuntu
$ apt-get install gcc portaudio19-dev libfftw3-dev
For Fedora
$ sudo dnf install gcc portaudio19-devel fftw-devel
Create a config file with the name pyBinSimSettings.txt
and content like this:
soundfile signals/speech2_48000_mono.wav blockSize 512 ds_filterSize 256 early_filterSize 3072 late_filterSize 48640 filterSource[mat/wav] mat filterDatabase brirs/example_mat.mat filterList brirs/filtermap_example.txt maxChannels 1 samplingRate 48000 enableCrossfading True useHeadphoneFilter False headphone_filterSize 1024 loudnessFactor 3 loopSound True pauseConvolution False pauseAudioPlayback False torchConvolution[cpu/cuda] cpu torchStorage[cpu/cuda] cpu ds_convolverActive True early_convolverActive True late_convolverActive True recv_type osc recv_protocol tcp recv_ip recv_port 10000
Start Binaural Simulation:
import pybinsim import logging pybinsim.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # defaults to INFO #Use logging.WARNING for printing warnings only with pybinsim.BinSim('pyBinSimSettings.txt') as binsim: binsim.stream_start()
There are two examples included in this repository in the example/brirs
is a wav
example, and
is a mat example. Both should be extracted exactly where they are and can be used for testing purposes. Due to file size limitations of github, both of these files have been split into three parts.
pyBinSim allows interactive playback of arbitrarily many sound files over so called players, each of which can be independently controlled. Players feed their audio into convolver channels, which represent virtual sound sources. The number of convover channels depends on the configuration option maxChannels. Each convolver channel applies an FIR filter to create the left and right channel. The output of all convolvers is summed in the end, an optional headphone EQ is applied and the stereo output is sent to the operating system.
The global playback and each individual player can be controlled over OSC messages. Each player is identfied by its player name, which defaults to the sound path. Therefore, the default behavior when re-playing an already playing file is to re-start the sound file. In contrast, setting the player name manually to a new one allows playing back a single sound file multiple times concurrently.
The filter for each convolver channel can also be selected via OSC messages. The messages contain the index of the convolver channel for which the filter should be switched and a key to address the correct filter. Each key corresponds to one filter.
pyBinSim now features up to three separate convolvers on each convolver channel which enables you to exchange filter parts, like direct sound, early reflections and late reflections, in real-time. Each convolver runs independently from the others and their results are summed together. This needs to be considered when creating the corresponding filters.
Also, pyBinSim offers you the possibility to run the convolution on a CUDA based graphics card. Especially for long filters (several seconds) or/and multiple sound sources, this can lead to a signficant speedup.
- soundfile:
- Defines *.wav file which is played back at startup. Sound file can contain up to maxChannels audio channels. Also accepts multiple files separated by '#'; Example: 'soundfile signals/sound1.wav#signals/sound2.wav'. The corresponding player is called
. When this config parameter is missing, nothing is played at startup. - blockSize:
- Number of samples which are processed per block. Low values reduce delay but increase cpu load.
- ds_filterSize:
- Defines filter size of the direct sound filters. Filter size must be a mutltiple of blockSize. If your filters are a different length, they are either shortened or zero padded to the size indicated here.
- early_filterSize:
- Defines filter size of the early filters. Filter size must be a mutltiple of blockSize. If your filters are a different length, they are either shortened or zero padded to the size indicated here.
- late_filterSize:
- Defines filter size of the late reverb filters. Filter size must be a mutltiple of blockSize. If your filters are a different length, they are either shortened or zero padded to the size indicated here.
- headphone_filterSize:
- Defines filter size of the headphone compensation filters. Filter size must be a mutltiple of blockSize.
- filterSource[mat/wav]:
- Choose between 'mat' or 'wav' to indicate whether you want to use filters stored as mat file or as seperate wav files.
- filterDatabase:
- Enter path to the mat file containing your filters. Check example for structure of the mat file.
- filterList:
- Enter path to the filtermap.txt which specifies the mapping of keys to filters stored as wav files. Check example filtermap for formatting.
- maxChannels:
- Maximum number of convolver channels/virtual sound sources which can be controlled during runtime. The value for maxChannels must match or exceed the number of channels in sound files. If you choose this value too high, processing power will be wasted.
- samplingRate:
- Sample rate for filters and soundfiles. Caution: No automatic sample rate conversion.
- enableCrossfading:
- Enable cross fade between audio blocks. Set 'False' or 'True'.
- useHeadphoneFilter:
- Enables headhpone equalization. The filterset should contain a filter with the identifier HPFILTER. Set 'False' or 'True'.
- loudnessFactor:
- Factor for overall output loudness. Attention: Clipping may occur.
- loopSound:
- Enables looping of sound file or sound file list. Set 'False' or 'True'.
- pauseConvolution:
- Bypasses convolution. Set 'False' or 'True'.
- pauseAudioPlayback:
- Pauses audio playback (convolution keeps running). Set 'False' or 'True'.
- torchConvolution[cpu/cuda]:
- Choose 'cpu' when convolution should be done on CPU or 'cuda' when you intend to you use a cuda enabled graphics cards. For the latter, make sure torch is installed with CUDA support (see:
- torchStorage[cpu/cuda]:
- Choose 'cpu' when filter should be stored in RAM or 'cuda' when you want to store filters directly on the graphics card memory. For the latter, make sure torch is installed with CUDA support (see:
- ds_convolverActive:
- Enables or disables convolver. When only one convolver is needed, it's recommended to disable the others to save resources. Set 'False' or 'True'.
- early_convolverActive:
- Enables or disables convolver. Set 'False' or 'True'.
- late_convolverActive:
- Enables or disables convolver. Set 'False' or 'True'.
Example lines from filter list:
HP hpirs/DT990_EQ_filter_2ch.wav DS 165 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 brirs/kemar_0_165_ds.wav ER 165 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 brirs/kemar_0_165_early.wav LR 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 brirs/late_reverb.wav
Lines with the prefix DS, ER and LR contain a 'filter key' which consists of 9 or 15 integer numbers. They are used to tell pyBinSim which filter to apply. These numbers can be arbitrarily assigned to suit your use case, but for consistency with mat based filters its adivced to assign the numbers in the following order:
For 9 digit keys:
Value 1-3 : listener orientation [yaw, pitch, roll] Value 4-6 : listener position [x, y, z] Value 7-9 : custom values [a, b, c]
For 15 digit keys:
Value 1-3 : listener orientation [yaw, pitch, roll] Value 4-6 : listener position [x, y, z] Value 7-9 : source orientation [yaw, pitch, roll] Value 10-12 : source position [x, y, z] Value 13-15 : custom values [a, b, c]
The filter behind the prefix HP will be loaded and applied automatically when useHeadphoneFilter == True. Lines which start with DS,ER or LR have to be called via OSC commands to become active.
A mat file should contain one ore more variables containing your filters. The maximum size for one variable in mat files version 7 is limited to 2GB. All variables are combined inside binsim and their naming can be arbitrary. However, the variables must be struct arrays with following fields:
"type" ['DS','ER','LR','HP] "ListenerOrientation" [array(int, int ,int)] "ListenerPosition" [array(int, int ,int)] "SourceOrientation" [array(int, int ,int)] "SourcePosition" [array(int, int ,int)] "custom" [array(int, int ,int)] "filter" [array(single,2), array(double,2)]
For headhpone filters, only the field filter is relevant. To reduce memory usage we advise to use single precision for the filters. To speedup the filter loading we advice to store the mat files on a SSD and to save the mat files without compression (which is not the default setting in MATLAB). Also take a look at the example_mat.mat file to understand the structure.
Lines with the prefix DSFILTER, EARLYFILTER and LATEFILTER contain a 'filter key' which consist of 6 or 9 positive numbers. These numbers can be arbitrarily assigned to suit your use case. They are used to tell pyBinSim which filter to apply. The filter behind the prefix HPFILTER will be loaded and applied automatically when useHeadphoneFilter == True. Lines which start with DSFILTER, EARLYFILTER or 'LATEFILTER' have to be called via OSC or ZMQ commands to become active. To activate a DSFILTER for the third channel of your wav file you have to send the the identifier '/pyBinSim_ds_Filter', followed by a 2 (corresponding to the third channel) and followed by the 9 or 15 key numbers from the filter list to the pc where pyBinSim runs (protocol and address are configurable, defaults to tcp://
ZMQ: ['/pyBinSim_ds_Filter', 2, 165, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] OSC: /pyBinSim_ds_Filter 2 165 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
When you want to apply an early filter:
ZMQ: ['/pyBinSim_early_Filter', 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] OSC: /pyBinSim_early_Filter 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
When you want to apply an early filter:
ZMQ: ['/pyBinSim_early_Filter', 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] OSC: /pyBinSim_early_Filter 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
When you want to apply a late filter:
ZMQ: ['/pyBinSim_late_Filter', 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] OSC: /pyBinSim_late_Filter 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
When you want to play another sound file you send:
ZMQ: ['/pyBinSimFile', 'folder/file_new.wav'] OSC: /pyBinSimFile 'folder/file_new.wav']
If you want to play a sound file list:
ZMQ: ['/pyBinSimFile', 'folder/file_1.wav#folder/file_2.wav'] OSC: /pyBinSimFile 'folder/file_1.wav#folder/file_2.wav']
The audiofile has to be located on the pc where pyBinSim runs. Files are not transmitted over network.
Because of issues with OSC when many messages are sent, multiple OSC receivers are used. Commands related to the ds_Filter should be addressed to port 10000, early_Filter commands to port 10001, late_Filter commands to port 10002 and all other commands to port 10003. This will probably be changed in future releases.
This part uses a syntax where the OSC address pattern is followed by arguments described in curly braces and separated by spaces. The typing syntax follows Python conventions. Arguments with a default value can be ommitted. Due to the absence of keyword arguments in OSC it is not possible to use the default value for an argument if it precedes an argument you want to set.
Set direct sound filter with convolver channel index and numerical filter key (9 or 15 numbers):
/pyBinSim_ds_Filter {convolverChannel: int32} {listener_yaw: float32|int32} {listener_pitch: float32|int32} {listener_roll: float32|int32} {listener_x: float32|int32} {listener_y: float32|int32} {listener_z: float32|int32} {a: float32|int32} {b: float32|int32} {c: float32|int32} /pyBinSim_ds_Filter {convolverChannel: int32} {listener_yaw: float32|int32} {listener_pitch: float32|int32} {listener_roll: float32|int32} {listener_x: float32|int32} {listener_y: float32|int32} {listener_z: float32|int32} {source_yaw: float32|int32} {source_pitch: float32|int32} {source_roll: float32|int32} {source_x: float32|int32} {source_y: float32|int32} {source_z: float32|int32} {a: float32|int32} {b: float32|int32} {c: float32|int32}
Set early reflection filter with convolver channel index and numerical filter key (9 or 15 numbers):
/pyBinSim_early_Filter {convolverChannel: int32} {listener_yaw: float32|int32} {listener_pitch: float32|int32} {listener_roll: float32|int32} {listener_x: float32|int32} {listener_y: float32|int32} {listener_z: float32|int32} {a: float32|int32} {b: float32|int32} {c: float32|int32} /pyBinSim_early_Filter {convolverChannel: int32} {listener_yaw: float32|int32} {listener_pitch: float32|int32} {listener_roll: float32|int32} {listener_x: float32|int32} {listener_y: float32|int32} {listener_z: float32|int32} {source_yaw: float32|int32} {source_pitch: float32|int32} {source_roll: float32|int32} {source_x: float32|int32} {source_y: float32|int32} {source_z: float32|int32} {a: float32|int32} {b: float32|int32} {c: float32|int32}
Set late reflection filter with convolver channel index and numerical filter key (9 or 15 numbers):
/pyBinSim_late_Filter {convolverChannel: int32} {listener_yaw: float32|int32} {listener_pitch: float32|int32} {listener_roll: float32|int32} {listener_x: float32|int32} {listener_y: float32|int32} {listener_z: float32|int32} {a: float32|int32} {b: float32|int32} {c: float32|int32} /pyBinSim_late_Filter {convolverChannel: int32} {listener_yaw: float32|int32} {listener_pitch: float32|int32} {listener_roll: float32|int32} {listener_x: float32|int32} {listener_y: float32|int32} {listener_z: float32|int32} {source_yaw: float32|int32} {source_pitch: float32|int32} {source_roll: float32|int32} {source_x: float32|int32} {source_y: float32|int32} {source_z: float32|int32} {a: float32|int32} {b: float32|int32} {c: float32|int32}
Play a sound file list. This stops all players and creates a new player with the name 'config_soundfile'. Separate multiple sound files with a hashtag ('#'):
/pyBinSimFile {filepaths: string}
Pause all audio playback. Send 'True' or 'False' (as string, not bool). Individual player controls remain unchanged:
/pyBinSimPauseAudioPlayback {pausePlayback: string["True"|"False"]}
Bypass convolution. Send 'True' or 'False' (as string, not bool):
/pybinsimPauseConvolution {pauseConvolution: string["True"|"False"]}
Change global loudness. Send float value. Volume of individual players is not affected.:
/pyBinSimLoudness {loudness: float32}
Create a new player. Players can play back files independent from each other. A player's output is sent to the start channel and consecutive channels, up to the channel count of the current sound file. If a player with the same name is already present, a new one with the same name will be created and used instead.:
/pyBinSimPlay {soundfile_list: string} {start_channel: int32 = 0} {loop: string["loop"|"single"] = "single"} {player_name: string|int32|float32 = soundfile_list} {volume: float32 = 1.0} {play: string["play"|"pause"] = "play"}
Pause, stop or start a player:
/pyBinSimPlayerControl {player_name: string} {play: string["play"|"pause"|"stop"]}
Change the output channel of a player:
/pyBinSimPlayerChannel {player_name: string} {start channel: int32}
Change the volume of a player:
/pyBinSimPlayerVolume {player_name: string} {volume: float32|int32}
Stop all players:
ZMQ accepts the same commands as OSC. The only difference is that the command and parameters are encapsulated in a list. To switch between OSC and ZMQ change the appropriate entries in the config file.
Please cite our work:
Neidhardt, A.; Klein, F.; Knoop, N. and Köllmer, T., "Flexible Python tool for dynamic binaural synthesis applications", 142nd AES Convention, Berlin, 2017.