This release includes the following changes.
!!! Update (16-10-2018 @woopstar)
- etcd setup fails with Ansible 2.7. Either use Ansible 2.6 or apply the PR from #3486
Major changes:
- Added kubernetes audit support
- Added kubernetes Dynamic Kubelet Configuration support
- Added ARM support
- Added Cri-o support, Only on centos based OS
- Added Cloud provider support for OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)(experimental)
- Added Nvidia GPU support(experimental)
- Added a deployment document for offline environment
- Support for AWS cloud-config
- Ubuntu18.04 support
- Fedora 28 support
- Working on initial support for workloads on Windows
- Remove EFK from kubernetes-apps roles #3352
- Heketi/GlusterFS support
- MetalLB as load balancer for on-premise deployments support
- Adding pod priority for all the components (Priority Classes)
- kube_basic_auth and kube_token_auth now works with kubeadm deployments
- kubeadm deployment has been updated to be in sync with non-kubeadm deployments
variable has been added to set kubelet flags only on nodes
Component versions:
- Kubernetes 1.11.3
- Etcd 3.2.18
- Flannel 0.10.0
- Cilium 1.2.0
- Contiv 1.2.1
- Weave 2.4.1
- Calico 3.1.3
- Docker 17.03
- Rkt 1.21.0
- Cri-O 1.11.5
- KubeDNS 1.14.13
- CoreDNS 1.2.2
- Helm 2.9.1
Known issues
- Deploy calico failed when using cri-o runtime #3275
- CoreDNS DNS loop when resolvconf_mode is set to host_resolvconf #3390
- Remove file download when docker engine is used #3302
- Cloud Provider deployments with kubeadm do not work yet #3766
We will we be deprecating the non-kubeadm deployment soon and switch towards using only kubeadm deployments as the new default.