This proxy demonstrates an Open ID Connect (OIDC) implementation for Authorization Code grant using Google GCP Project as the external Identity Provider (IdP).
It provides the following endpoints
- GET /authorize
- POST /token (code and refresh)
- POST /revoke
- GET /userinfo
The callback endpoint is used for the integration with GCP.
For background, see GCP OpenID Connect and the OAuth 2.0 Playground.
See the sequence diagram for details on the interaction between Apigee and GCP.
The solution demonstrates a full CI/CD lifecycle, apart from actually getting an access_token and using it in integration tests.
To test the functionality, use the Open API Specification (OAS) in your portal (Drupal 8 or Integrated portal) to authorize the user, then access the /userinfo endpoint. Use the client_id and client_secret from the Apps that are created via CI/CD.
This example is not an official Google product, nor is it part of an official Google product.
This material is copyright 2019, Google LLC. and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file.
This code is open source.
- A GCP Project with OAuth APIs enabled.
- Dev Portal (integrated or Drupal 8) to host the OAS.
- Apps with a callback, for each of the portals.
- Create a GCP Project and enable OAuth.
- Add others to the project if desired (e.g. [email protected])
- Register an App to be used by the proxy to request tokens.
- Set the callback to be that of this OIDC proxy/callback (e.g.
- Save the Client ID and Secret for use in KVM.
- Create your Integrated Portal and set the App callback URL.
- Run maven to build and deploy the proxy and associated artifacts, including the KVM and entries, and OAS.
- Publish the OAS to the Integrated Portal.
Use maven to build and install the proxy, API product, App developer, App, download the App keys, and run integration tests. Maven will also deploy the OAS to your Drupal portal, Integrated portal not supported yet.
mvn -P "$ENV" install
Smartdocs is skipped by default since options is not set in profile.
mvn -P "$ENV" process-resources apigee-smartdocs:apidoc -Dapigee.smartdocs.config.options=update
Via the source without replacements
mvn -P "$ENV" -Dapigee.config.options=update apigee-config:specs -Dapigee.config.dir=resources/edge
mvn -P "$ENV" jshint:lint
mvn -P "$ENV" frontend:install-node-and-npm@install-node-and-npm
mvn -P "$ENV" frontend:npm@npm-install
mvn -P "$ENV" frontend:npm@apigeelint
mvn -P "$ENV" frontend:npm@unit
mvn -P "$ENV" resources:copy-resources@copy-resources
mvn -P "$ENV" replacer:replace@replace
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:targetservers
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:resourcefiles
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:keyvaluemaps -Dapigee.config.options=sync
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-enterprise:configure
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-enterprise:deploy
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:apiproducts
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:developers
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:apps
mvn -P "$ENV" apigee-config:exportAppKeys
mvn -P "$ENV" frontend:npm@integration
mvn -P "$ENV" process-resources apigee-smartdocs:apidoc
mvn -P $ENV resources:copy-resources@copy-resources replacer:replace@replace apigee-config:resourcefiles apigee-config:exportAppKeys frontend:npm@integration
- Step by step setup of GCP Project and Integrated Portal.
- Proxy design
- Verify client_id when via formparams (demo app) and via Authorization Basic (portals OAS)
- Verify redirect_url on GET /authorize
- GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
- Anti forgery with client
- Publish spec to portal
- Deploy to prod using separate keys from GCP Project