A simple programming language inspired by Rust and Python.
import kuru(0.1)
export fn() {
kuru.log("Hello, world!")
The most important type in Kuru is a Set
. All types in Kuru are subtypes of
. There are also specific operators that always operate on Set
import kuru(0.1)
import kuru[Set]
export fn() {
let set: Set(4)
The Set[T]
type is implemented as a List[T]
, with the additional invariant
that no two equivalent T
s can be present in it at the same time.
# Set union operator
0 | 2 | 5
# Set range operator
# Set intersection operator (resolves to the set of just `Int(0)`)
{-1:1} & {0 | 2 | 5}
Comparisons always operate on sets.
if var = 0:15 {
kuru.log("variable is between 0 and 15 inclusive")
if var != 0:15 {
kuru.log("variable is not between 0 and 15 inclusive")
# `Int` struct takes optional generic of a bounded set of literal integers
struct Int[Set[Literal.Int]?](
# `Opt` enum takes generic
enum Opt[T]
| None
| Some[T]
DOLU (Discard On Last Use) is similar to RAII but slightly different.
fn dolu() {
kuru.log("Hello, world!")
# Returned `Log` future is discarded here (`await()` called in `discard()`)
# Get log future
let log: kuru.log("Hello, world!")
# Await the future (yield to executor with the future)
# `log` is discarded
# … (rest of function that doesn't use `log` variable)
fn takes_function(func: Fn(Int, Text) -> Text) -> Text {
return func(5, "hello")
fn my_function(a: Int, b: Float, c: Text) -> Text {
export fn() {
takes_function(fn => my_function(_, 3.14, _))
There are only 16 keywords in Kuru (8 compile-time keywords, and 8 run-time keywords). No more are planned.
import # import a definition
export # export a definition
fn # define a function (syntactic sugar for `static _: Fn() {}`)
static # define an unchanging value
struct # define a data structure (type theory name: record)
enum # define an data enumeration (type theory name: discriminated union)
typedef # define a data type alias
trait # define a data trait
let # declare a variable
for # iterate over
yield # create a suspension point in a function (yield with a value or future)
if # control flow (when boolean expression is `True`)
else # control flow (then, when boolean expression is `False`)
match # control flow (check multiple `Set`s for equivalence)
break # early return from `for`
return # early return from `fn`