Author: Ka Ho Yuen (UW Madison, [email protected]), Ka Wai Ho (UW Madison, [email protected])
Our official response to the recent publication Kalberla (2022, P. M. W. Kalberla, J. Kerp, U. Haud, DOI: Step-by-step code and tutorial included here: For formal response, see A&A ... / arXiv:
We suggest the authors of Kalberla (2022) to perform an internal code check before publishing an article claiming something is wrong.
Recently Kalberla et. al (2022) wrote an interesting article (arXiv: commenting on our previous publication (Velocity Decomposition Algorithm, Yuen, 2021, ApJ, 910, 2, 161) claiming that our technique and also our prior simulations are not compatible to realistic neutral hydrogen (HI) observations. However, upon investigation, we discovered that Kalberla (2022) very likely made a very simple programmatic mistake, by typing (in julia code)
p_v = p - (mean(p.*I).-mean(p)*mean(I)).*(I.-mean(I))./std(I)^2
to something that they might have done (See A&A ...)
p_v = p - (mean(p).-mean(p)*mean(I)).*(I.-mean(I))./std(I)^2
Notice that the second term changes from mean(p.*I)
to mean(p)
. This programmatic mistake [1] that we found will invalidate their whole paper, including 14 out of 15 of their figures, all discussions starting from Sec 1 to 7, 9, and also the claims that they made to us. We found that the publicity of our computational process would facilitate the general scientific community to understand why we can recognize their mistakes so easily without even accessing their codes. See readme
of for further examples.
[1]: Notice that our template reproduces very similar results of their mistakes, it can be more.. However, it is not our full responsibility to find out the mistakes in others' publications. Moreover, mathematically =0 no matter what choice of p and I you pick, see
Velocity Decomposition Algorithm (VDA) is an innovative algorithm (see in retrieving the "velocity casutics" in observations. Velocity caustics is an imprint of MHD turbulence velocity motions left in the velocity channel space. The caustics will appear even when the astrophysical plasma has no density perturbations (i.e. incompressible fluid). We include a number of examples illustating the power of the VDA for different kinds of media.
Here we provide a streamlined Julia
template for anyone who has access of the page to replicate our results. We will also provide comments step by step to make sure the readers can understand each step.
I have built a standard environment here ( which you can upload the template in this repository and reproduce the exact same results. If some standard package is missing, refer to the docker instruction I wrote there.