yarn build
a new folder should appear. Open the html inside that folder, it contains the docs.
every change made to config.yml will appera in the html after "yarn build" is run.
# To fetch schema from
introspection: https://url-to-you-graphql-endpoint
token: 123123asd
servers: # same format as for OpenAPI Specification
- url: https://dev-server.com
description: Dev
- url: https://prod-server.com
description: Prod
info: # same format as for OpenAPI Specification
title: Your API Title
description: Markdown enabled description of your api.
# define your domains by providing a set of usecases
- name: Top Level Menu Section # Name of the domain
description: Description # Description of the domain
- name: Fetch 'Some' field # Operation name
description: Markdown enabled description for operation # Opearation description
query: query.some # Query example - fetching single field
select: field1 field2 # select only specific sub fields. By default - all are selected
expand: field3(sub1, sub2, sub3),field4 # go deep by expanding specific fields.
- name: Invoke Mutation # Mutation
description: Markdown enabled description for operation
query: mutation.mutateSome # Mutation example - invoke mutation