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logstash role

License Build Status Build Status Galaxy Ansible Ansible

This role:

  • Installs Logstash server
  • Configures Logstash server


  • Minimal Version of the ansible for installation: 2.5
  • Supported OS:
    • CentOS
      • 7
    • Ubuntu
    • Debian
      • 9

Role Variables

  • elastic_branch: Is used to select main Elasticsearch branch to be installed (5.x or 6.x current stable versions). By default this variable is set to 6. So, 6.x version is installed by default. You can override this by setting this variable in playbook. Default to 6

  • es_major_version: The version to install. Default to '{{ elastic_branch }}.x'

  • ls_host: Logstash host name. Default to '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'

  • ls_port: Logstash port. Used for agents connection. Default to 5555

  • ls_xms: Initial size of total heap space. Default to 1g

  • ls_xmx: Maximum size of total heap space. Default to 1g

  • ls_config: All Logstash configuration parameters are supported. This is achieved using a configuration map parameter ls_config which is serialized into the logstash.yml file. The use of a map ensures the Ansible playbook does not need to be updated to reflect new/deprecated/plugin configuration parameters. Default to []

  • ls_home: Path to logstash home directory. Default to /usr/share/logstash

  • ls_pid_file: Path to logstash pid file. Default to /var/run/

  • ls_log_dir: Path to logstash log directory. Default to /var/log/logstash

  • ls_conf_dir: Path to logstash configuration directory. Default to /etc/logstash

  • ls_data_dir: Path to logstash data directory. Default to /var/lib/logstash

  • ls_nice_level: Logstash nice level. Default to 19

  • elasticsearch_host: Specifies the address to which the elasticsearch server will bind. Default to

  • elasticsearch_port: Port on which elasticsearch listen to incoming requests. Default value is 9200

SSL certificate

  • ls_enable_ssl: To enable SSL on Logstash(to be accessed from agents). Default to True
  • ls_ssl_key_file_name: Private key file name. Default to '{{ ls_host }}.key.pem'
  • ls_ssl_cert_file_name: Certificate file name. Default to '{{ ls_host }}.cert.pem'
  • ls_local_certs: To find prepared certificate files on ansible host. If False - will try to fing certificates on remote host. Default to True
  • ls_local_key_path: Prepared private key file path. Default to '{{ role_path }}/files/{{ ls_ssl_key_file_name }}'
  • ls_local_cert_path: Prepared certificate file path. Default to '{{ role_path }}/files/{{ ls_ssl_cert_file_name }}'
  • ls_key_path: Private key file destination path. Default to '{{ (ansible_os_family == "Debian") | ternary("/etc/ssl/private","/etc/pki/tls/private") }}'
  • ls_cert_path: Certificate file destination path. Default to '{{ (ansible_os_family == "Debian") | ternary("/etc/ssl/certs","/etc/pki/tls/certs") }}'
  • ls_ssl_key_size: Private key encryption size (to create certificate if not exists). Default to 4096
  • ls_ca_domain: Certificate domain (to create certificate if not exists). Default to '{{ ls_host }}'
  • ls_ssl_certificate_provider: Certificater provuider (to create certificate if not exists). Default to selfsigned

  • ls_plugin_bin: Logstash plugin utility. Default to '{{ ls_dir }}/bin/logstash-plugin'

  • ls_plugins: Plugins list to install to Logstash. Default to [logstash-input-beats]

  • ls_add_custom_filters: Add custom filter files. Default to True

  • ls_local_custom_filters: If True - get files from ansible host. Otherwise get from remote host folder. Default to True

  • ls_custom_filters_path: Custom filters folder. Default to '{{ role_path }}/files/filters'

  • ls_custom_filters_files: Custom filter files to use. Default to [25-nginx.conf,26-apache.conf,27-solr.conf]

  • ls_add_custom_grok_patterns: Add custom grok patterns. Default to True

  • ls_custom_grok_patterns_files: List of custom grok patterns. Default to [grok_patterns.custom]

  • ls_limits_set: To set OS limits. Default to True

  • ls_limits_nofile: Set maximum number of open files. Default to 204800

  • ls_limits_stack: Set maximum stack size. Default to 4096

  • ls_limits_nproc: Set maximum number of processes. Default to 24576

  • ls_service_name: Logstash service name: Default to logstash

  • ls_service_autostart: Add Logstash service to automatically start. Default to True

  • ls_service_start: To start Logstash service after configuration. If False - do not start Logstash after installation (useful for e.g. packer image preparation). Default to True

  • elasticsearch_index_name: Elasticsearch index name. Default to %{[@metadata][beat]}-%{[@metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}

  • es_apt_url: Path to official Elastic APT repository. Default to deb{{ es_repo_name }}/apt stable main

  • es_yum_url: Path to official Elastic RPM repository. Default to{{ es_repo_name }}/yum

  • es_repo_file: Configure repo header. Default to elastic-{{ es_major_version }}

  • elastic_gpg_key: GPG-key from elasticsearch repository. Default value is

  • es_use_oss_version: Installs open source software version (contains only features that are available under the Apache 2.0 license). Default to false


  • Java 8 Build Status

Example Playbook

- name: Install and Configure Logstash
  hosts: logstash
    solr_change_default_password: False
    - role:
    - role: lean_delivery.logstash
    elastic_branch: 6
      dead_letter_queue.enable: false
      path.dead_letter_queue: "/opt/dead-queue"
      pipeline.workers: 4
      pipeline.output.workers: 1
      queue.type: persisted
      queue.page_capacity: 100mb
      queue.max_bytes: 10gb
      path.queue: "/opt/logstash-queue"



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