piCorePlayer (piCorePlayer v8.2.0) is a very small Music OS, only about a few tens of MB in size, and operates entirely on RAM. Installing Tidal Connect on piCorePlayer can significantly increase the size of your OS, adding about 100MB. If you're not too concerned about that, give it a try. This version only supports 32-bit.
Install Tidal Connect.
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lovehifi/tidalconnect-picore/main/install.sh | sh
After installation, you need to perform the following steps:
Open the Tweaks page and add the following
In the tweaks page, Shairport-sync to Yes.
Add User command #1:
/usr/local/etc/init.d/avahi start
Add User command #2:
/home/tc/Tidal-Connect-Armv7/tidal.sh start
Click button Save, reboot your system.
I've created a build of the IMG piCorePlayer 8.2, and I've added Tidal Connect to it. You can try using it (IMG) if you want.
Download IMG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ox2RJ8kQ_XSpZFzUBxtDSs5w46JZDmm4
I gather them from these repositories to make them easy to use.