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Code Climate @lzwme/node-exchange-mailer


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使用 nodejs 发送基于 EWS(Microsoft Exchange Web Serveice) 邮件服务的邮件。

基于 node-ews 封装的 EWS 邮件发送 API 方法。


# use npm
npm add @lzwme/node-exchange-mailer
# or use yarn
yarn add @lzwme/node-exchange-mailer


1. 示例一:使用账号和密码发送邮件

const { sendMailByEws } = require('@lzwme/node-exchange-mailer');

const options = {
  subject: '[ews]邮件主题测试',
  html: 'HTML 格式内容,<b>优先级高于 text</b>',
  /** TEXT 文本格式邮件正文内容(优先级低于 html 参数) */
  text: 'text',
  /** 收件人列表 */
  to: '[email protected]',
  /** 抄送人列表 */
  cc: '[email protected], [email protected]',
  /** 密送人列表 */
  bcc: '[email protected], [email protected]',
  // text: '纯文本格式内容',
  ewsConfig: {
    username: '[email protected]',
    password: 'mypassword',
    host: '',
sendMailByEws(options).then((result) => console.log(result));

2. 示例二:使用 ntlm 授权模式发送邮件,避免明文密码被直接泄漏

根据明文密码生成 ntlm 认证模式所需的密钥:

const { genNtlmHashedPwd } = require('@lzwme/node-exchange-mailer');

const password = 'mypassword'; // process.argv.slice(2)[0];
const { nt_password, lm_password } = genNtlmHashedPwd(password, true);
// => password: mypassword
// => nt_password: a991ae45aa987a1a48c8bdc1209ff0e7
// => lm_password: 74ac99ca40ded420dc1a73e6cea67ec5

配置 nt_passwordlm_password 字段,基于 ntlm 认证模式发送邮件:

const { sendMailByEws } = require('@lzwme/node-exchange-mailer');

const options = {
  subject: '[ews]邮件 ntlm 测试',
  to: '[email protected]',
  html: 'HTML 格式内容,<b>优先级高于 text</b>',
  ewsConfig: {
    host: '',
    username: '[email protected]',
    /** 密码加密后的秘钥(NTLMAuth.nt_password)。为字符串时,应为 hex 编码结果 */
    nt_password: 'a991ae45aa987a1a48c8bdc1209ff0e7',
    /** 密码加密后的秘钥(NTLMAuth.lm_password)。为字符串时,应为 hex 编码结果 */
    lm_password: '74ac99ca40ded420dc1a73e6cea67ec5',

sendMailByEws(options).then((result) => console.log(result));


const { sendMailByEws } = require('@lzwme/node-exchange-mailer');
const path = require('path');

const options = {
  subject: '[ews]邮件附件测试',
  html: [
    `HTML 格式内容,<b>包含附件</b>: <a href=""></a>`,
    `<img src='cid:png01' style='width:144px;height:auto'>`,
  to: '[email protected]',
  ewsConfig: {
    host: '',
    username: '[email protected]',
    nt_password: 'a991ae45aa987a1a48c8bdc1209ff0e7',
    lm_password: '74ac99ca40ded420dc1a73e6cea67ec5',
  soapHeader: {
    't:RequestServerVersion': {
      attributes: {
        Version: 'Exchange2013_SP1', // Exchange2007<_SP1>, Exchange2010<_SP1>, , Exchange2013<_SP1>
   * 附件列表
   * {@link | 发送附件参考 }
  attachments: [
      /** 附件名称 */
      Name: '',
      /** 附件类型(如文本: text/plain) */
      ContentType: 'text/plain',
      /** 附件内容(请使用 base64 编码) */
      Content: 'ZmlsZSBhdHRhY2htZW50LiAtIHRlc3QgYnkgaHR0cHM6Ly9sencubWU=',
      IsInline: false,
      /** 附件名称 */
      Name: 'lzwme.png',
      /** 附件类型(如文本: text/plain) */
      ContentType: 'image/png',
      /** 附件内容(使用 base64 编码) */
      Content: readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './lzwme-144x144.png'), {
        encoding: 'base64',
      IsContactPhoto: false,
      IsInline: true,
      ContentId: 'png01',

sendMailByEws(options).then((result) => console.log(result));

示例四:发送 smtp 协议的邮件

本仓库基于 nodemailer 简单封装了一个 smtp 协议发送邮件的方法。用法如下:

安装 nodemailer 依赖:

yarn add nodemailer

发送 smtp 协议的邮件示例:

const { sendMailBySmtp } = require('@lzwme/node-exchange-mailer');
const path = require('path');

const options = {
  subject: '[smtp]Subject for test',
  /** HTML 格式邮件正文内容 */
  html: [
    `email content for test: <a href=""></a>`,
    `<img src='cid:png01' style='width:144px;height:auto'>`,
  /** TEXT 文本格式邮件正文内容 */
  text: '',
  to: '[email protected]',
  /** 附件列表 */
  attachments: [
      filename: 'lzwme.png',
      cid: 'png01',
      path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'lzwme-144x144.png'),
      filename: 'lzwme.txt',
      content: '邮件内容,test by <b></b>',
const smtpConfig = {
  // service: 'qq',
  host: '', // QQ:; 网易:
  port: 465, // 端口号。QQ邮箱  465,网易邮箱 25
  secure: true,
  auth: {
    user: '[email protected]', // 邮箱账号
    pass: 'xxxxxx', // 邮箱的授权码
sendMailBySmtp(options, smtpConfig).then((result) => console.log(result));



@lzwme/node-exchange-mailer is released under the MIT license.
