This project is used for training PVNet and running PVnet on live data.
PVNet2 is a multi-modal late-fusion model that largely inherits the same architecture from PVNet1.0. The NWP and satellite data are sent through some neural network which encodes them down to 1D intermediate representations. These are concatenated together with the GSP output history, the calculated solar coordinates (azimuth and elevation) and the GSP ID which has been put through an embedding layer. This 1D concatenated feature vector is put through an output network which outputs predictions of the future GSP yield. National forecasts are made by adding all the GSP forecasts together.
Link to our workshop paper coming soon
Some very rough working notes on this model are here.
Some slightly more structured notes on deliberate experiments we have performed with PVNet are here
git clone
cd PVNet
pip install -r requirements.txt
The commit history is extensive. To save download time, use a depth of 1:
git clone --depth 1
This means only the latest commit and its associated files will be downloaded.
Next, in the PVNet repo, install PVNet as an editable package:
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Before running any code in within PVNet, copy the example configuration to a configs directory:
cp -r configs.example configs
You will be making local amendments to these configs. See the README in
for more info.
As a minimum, in order to create batches of data/run PVNet, you will need to supply paths to NWP and GSP data. PV data can also be used. We list some suggested locations for downloading such datasets below:
GSP (Grid Supply Point) - Regional PV generation data
The University of Sheffield provides API access to download this data:
Documentation for querying generation data aggregated by GSP region can be found here:
NWP (Numerical weather predictions)
OCF maintains a Zarr formatted version the German Weather Service's (DWD)
ICON-EU NWP model here: which includes the UK
OCF maintains a dataset of PV generation from 1311 private PV installations
Outside the PVNet repo, clone the ocf-datapipes repo and exit the conda env created for PVNet:
git clone --depth 1
conda create -n ocf_datapipes python=3.10
Then go inside the ocf_datapipes repo to add packages
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
Then exit this environment, and enter back into the pvnet conda environment and install ocf_datapies in editable mode (-e). This means the package is directly linked to the source code in the ocf_datapies repo.
pip install -e <PATH-TO-ocf_datapipes-REPO>
PVNet contains a script for generating batches of data suitable for training the PVNet models. To run the script you will need to make some modifications to the datamodule configuration.
Make sure you have copied the example configs (as already stated above):
cp -r configs.example configs
We will use the example of creating batches using data from gcp:
Ensure that the file paths are set to the correct locations in
is used to indcate where to input the location of the files.
For OCF use cases, file locations can be found in template_configuration.yaml
located alongside gcp_configuration.yaml
In these configurations you can update the train, val & test periods to cover the data you have access to.
With your configuration in place, you can proceed to create batches. PVNet uses
hydra which enables us to pass variables via the command
line that will override the configuration defined in the ./configs
When creating batches, an additional config is used which is passed into the batch creation script. This is the datamodule config located PVNet/configs/datamodule
For this example we will be using the streamed_batches.yaml
config. Like before, a placeholder variable is used when specifing which configuration to use:
configuration: "PLACEHOLDER.yaml"
This should be given the whole path to the config on your local machine, such as for our example it should be changed to:
configuration: "/FULL-PATH-TO-REPO/PVNet/configs/datamodule/configuration/gcp_configuration.yaml"
represent the whole path to the PVNet repo on your local machine.
Run the script to create batches with the following example arguments as:
python scripts/ datamodule=streamed_batches +batch_output_dir="./output" +num_train_batches=10 +num_val_batches=5
In this function the datamodule argument looks for a config under PVNet/configs/datamodule
. The examples here are either to use "premade_batches" or "streamed_batches".
Its important that the dates set for the training, validation and testing in the datamodule (streamed_batches.yaml
) config are within the ranges of the dates set for the input features in the configuration (gcp_configuration.yaml
If downloading private data from a gcp bucket make sure to authenticate gcloud (the public satellite data does not need authentication):
gcloud auth login
For files stored in multiple locations they can be added as list. For example from the gcp_configuration.yaml file we can change from satellite data stored on a bucket:
satellite_zarr_path: gs://solar-pv-nowcasting-data/satellite/EUMETSAT/SEVIRI_RSS/v4/2020_nonhrv.zarr
To satellite data hosted by Google:
- "gs://public-datasets-eumetsat-solar-forecasting/satellite/EUMETSAT/SEVIRI_RSS/v4/2020_nonhrv.zarr"
- "gs://public-datasets-eumetsat-solar-forecasting/satellite/EUMETSAT/SEVIRI_RSS/v4/2021_nonhrv.zarr"
Datapipes is currently set up to use 11 channels from the satellite data, the 12th of which is HRV and is not included in these.
How PVNet is run is determined by the extensive configuration in the config files. The following configs have been tested to work using batches of data created using the steps and batch creation config mentioned above.
You should create the following configs before trying to train a model locally, as so:
In configs/datamodule/local_premade_batches.yaml
configuration: null
batch_dir: "./output" # where the batches are saved
num_workers: 20
prefetch_factor: 2
batch_size: 8
In configs/model/local_multimodal.yaml
_target_: pvnet.models.multimodal.multimodal.Model
output_quantiles: [0.02, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.98]
# NWP encoder
_target_: pvnet.models.multimodal.encoders.encoders3d.DefaultPVNet
_partial_: True
in_channels: 10
out_features: 256
number_of_conv3d_layers: 6
conv3d_channels: 32
image_size_pixels: 24
# Sat encoder settings
# Ignored as premade batches were created without satellite data
# sat_encoder:
# _target_: pvnet.models.multimodal.encoders.encoders3d.DefaultPVNet
# _partial_: True
# in_channels: 11
# out_features: 256
# number_of_conv3d_layers: 6
# conv3d_channels: 32
# image_size_pixels: 24
add_image_embedding_channel: False
# PV encoder settings
_target_: pvnet.models.multimodal.site_encoders.encoders.SingleAttentionNetwork
_partial_: True
num_sites: 349
out_features: 40
num_heads: 4
kdim: 40
pv_id_embed_dim: 20
# Tabular network settings
_target_: pvnet.models.multimodal.linear_networks.networks.ResFCNet2
_partial_: True
fc_hidden_features: 128
n_res_blocks: 6
res_block_layers: 2
dropout_frac: 0.0
embedding_dim: 16
include_sun: True
include_gsp_yield_history: False
# Times
# Foreast and time settings
history_minutes: 60
forecast_minutes: 120
min_sat_delay_minutes: 60
sat_history_minutes: 90
pv_history_minutes: 60
# These must be set for each NWP encoder
ukv: 60
ukv: 120
# ----------------------------------------------
# Optimizer
# ----------------------------------------------
_target_: pvnet.optimizers.EmbAdamWReduceLROnPlateau
lr: 0.0001
weight_decay: 0.01
amsgrad: True
patience: 5
factor: 0.1
threshold: 0.002
In configs/local_trainer.yaml
_target_: lightning.pytorch.trainer.trainer.Trainer
accelerator: cpu # Important if running on a system without a supported GPU
devices: auto
min_epochs: null
max_epochs: null
reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs: 0
num_sanity_val_steps: 8
fast_dev_run: false
accumulate_grad_batches: 4
log_every_n_steps: 50
And finally update defaults
in the main ./configs/config.yaml
file to use
your customised config files:
- trainer: local_trainer.yaml
- model: local_multimodal.yaml
- datamodule: local_premade_batches.yaml
- callbacks: null
- logger: csv.yaml
- experiment: null
- hparams_search: null
- hydra: default.yaml
Assuming you ran the
script to generate some premade train and
val data batches, you can now train PVNet by running:
You can use python -m pytest tests
to run tests