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The PYROS python module offers some tools to build and evaluate recommender systems for implicit feedback.

Installation with PyPi

PYROS is available in the PyPi repository and it can be installed with

pip install mkpyros

and then it can be imported in python with

import pyros

Loading a dataset

First of all you have to load the dataset. This module provides useful methods for reading Comma Separated Values (CSV) files.

from import CSVReader
import as ds
reader = CSVReader("path\to\the\csv\file", " ")
data = ds.UDataset(Mapping(), Mapping()), True) #True means that the ratings are binary

the code above reads the content of the given CSV file (space separated) and saves it in the dataset variable. In the example the dataset is user-centered, that is ratings are stored as set of items rated by a user.

Creating a recommender

Once the dataset is ready the recommender can be instanciated. Firstly, let us import the engine module

from pyros import engine as exp

Currently the module offers, beyond the common baselines (e.g., popularity-based), the following recommendation algorithms:

rec = exp.I2I_Asym_Cos(data, alpha, q)

where 'alpha' is the asimmetric weight and 'q' the locality parameter.

rec = exp.CF_OMD(data, lambda_p, lambda_n, sparse)

where 'lambda_p', 'lambda_n' are respectively the regularization terms for the positives and negatives distribution, while 'sparse' is a boolean parameter that says whether to use a sparse matrix implementation or not.

exp.ECF_OMD(data, lambda_p, sparse)

where the parameters has the same meaning as in CF_OMD but in this one 'lambda_n' is not required (it is assumed to be +inf).

import pyros.utils as ut
K = ut.kernels.normalize(ut.kernels.linear(data.to_cvxopt_matrix()))
rec = exp.CF_KOMD(data, K, lambda_p, sparse)

in this case a kernel 'K' is required as parameter. The code shows an example of linear kernel built using the support methods provided by the 'utils' module. The 'utils' module includes also the 'kernels' submodule which contains some useful methods related to kernels and also some kernel functions implementation as the one described in

"Disjunctive Boolean Kernels for Collaborative Filtering in Top-N Recommendation" by M.Polato and F. Aiolli.

rec = exp.SLIM(data, beta, lbda)

where 'beta' and 'lbda' are the regularization of the frobenius norm and the Taxicab norm, respectively, as described in the paper.

rec = exp.WRMF(data, latent_factors, alpha, lbda, num_iters)

where 'latent_factors' are the number of latent features, 'alpha' is the weight value for the ratings, 'lbda' the regularization parameter and 'num_iters' the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm.

rec = exp.BPRMF(data, factors, learn_rate, num_iters, reg_u, reg_i, reg_bias)

where 'factors' are the number of latent features, 'learn_rate' is the learning rate, 'num_iters' the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm 'reg_i', 'reg_u' and 'reg_bias' are the regularization parameters for uesrs, items and the bias respectively.

Training a recommender

After the instanciation of the recommender it has to be trained:


where 'users' is the list of users for which the items ranking will be calculated.

Evaluating a trained recommender

Finally, the evaluation step is:

import pyros.core.evaluation as ev
result = ev.evaluate(rec, data_test)

where 'data_test' is the test dataset which contains the ratings to predict (unknown at training time!!). The evaluation is done using AUC, mAP and NDCG.

For more details please refer to the papers and to the code @ GITHUB.




PYROS requires the following python modules:


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