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zaphttp - Structured Logging for HTTP Requests in Go

Go Reference CI/CD Pipeline

zaphttp is a Go library that provides structured logging for HTTP requests using zap. It creates a per-request logger that automatically has things like a trace ID injected into it.


  • Per-request logger injection
  • OpenTelemetry integration
  • Flexible log formatting
  • Built-in support for formats like Elastic Common Schema (ECS) and Google Cloud logging
  • Customizable per-request logger behavior


go get

Quick Start

logger := zap.NewExample()
defer func() {
	_ = logger.Sync()

mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/demo/{$}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Optional, get the logger for this request from the context.
	// If you are using opentelemetry, the trace ID is automatically injected into each log message.
	l := zaphttp.FromContext(req.Context())

	// Optional, log something with the request logger.
	l.Info("Some message!")

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
	_, _ = w.Write([]byte("Hello world!"))

requestLogger := zaphttp.NewHandler(
	zaphttp.WithLogger(logger),                                         // If no logger is supplied, zap.L(), will be used.
	zaphttp.WithTraceFormatter(zaphttp.ElasticCommonSchemaFormatter),   // If no format for trace metadata is supplied, ECS is used.
	zaphttp.WithRequestFormatter(zaphttp.ElasticCommonSchemaFormatter), // If no format for request metadata is supplied, ECS is used.

s := &http.Server{
	Addr:         ":8080",
	ReadTimeout:  5 * time.Second,
	WriteTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
	Handler:      requestLogger(mux), // Wrap the mux, all requests will now be logged.

// Do graceful shutdown of HTTP server here...

if err := s.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
	logger.Error("Failed to start server", zap.Error(err))

Every request received by the HTTP server is now logged.

Core Concepts


The main component is the NewHandler() function that creates a middleware to wrap your HTTP handlers.


  • WithLogger(logger *zap.Logger) - Set a custom logger (default: zap.L())
  • WithTraceFormatter(formatter TraceFormatter) - Set a custom trace formatter (default: ECS)
  • WithRequestFormatter(formatter RequestFormatter) - Set a custom request formatter (default: ECS)
  • WithPerRequestLogger(fn PerRequestLoggerFunc) - Customize how the per-request logger is created


Formatters determine how request and trace information is structured in the logs.

Built-in formatters:

  • ElasticCommonSchemaFormatter - Formats logs according to the Elastic Common Schema
  • NewGoogleCloudFormatter(projectID) - Formats logs for Google Cloud Logging
  • NoopFormatter - Disables all extra fields

Per-Request Logger

The per-request logger is injected into the request context and can be retrieved using FromContext(). It automatically includes:

  • Trace ID (if using OpenTelemetry)
  • Custom fields added by the per-request logger function


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.