An open-source tool for you to track, manage, and plan your money.
When I started, I wanted to make an Open Source project similar to some tools I used to deal with money. However, I realized that I had difficulties in using those tools, due to their complexity, and that I was bringing that same complexity to this tool. The idea of cashtrail was to be flexible, however, unfortunately, too much flexibility also brings with it too much complexity.
So I decided to take some time to study a little, and check out other tools on the market. What really caught my attention were the plain-text-based tools, like hledger and beancount. As these tools meet my goals, I decided to study and use them for a while. And I want to bring a tool like these to Elixir world, because I think it makes a lot of sense using Elixir to manage and query things related to Money.
So this project will remain archived for while. I really like using this project as a reference for Multi Tenancy, because I really did a great job with it here. Maybe, after finishing the text-base tool for handling finances, I'll come back to this project. Perhaps I'll have to refactory lots of things, but it will be a project that brings a good balance between flexibility and complexity.
This is a working in progress project that is in Phase 1 of development.
The objectives are:
- Phase 1: Implement money tracking and management business rules;
- Phase 2: Implement the LiveView frontend;
- Phase 3: Implement the GraphQL schema;
- Phase 4: Implement the Restful APIs
At this moment the project is in Phase 1, so this is not ready for use.
I was looking for another application to track my incomes and expenses, and I wanted something that I could track in different currencies, use the same application for my company and my personal finances, have to control of the data, and I could integrate extend or easily with other applications.
This is not intended to be complex accounting software. This is an expense tracker that I thought according to my needs, and that could be the needs of other people. And as it is an open-source project focused on being easily integrated and extended, So I believe that this can be easily modified to other people's needs.
So I encourage you to fork the project and modify it according to your needs. The core is extensively documented, and Elixir is an easy language to deal with business rules. So I hope there will not be a problem for you working in the source code.
The Cashtrail works with entities. Entities are distinct units of data that you may want to manage. This can be your company finances, your finances, or some other organization's finances.
So you can host the application, and use this to control in the same instance:
- Your finances;
- Your company or startup finances;
- Some organization that you take care of the treasury finances;
- Finances of any member of your family.
There are some permission control implemented. So, each user can create how many entities they want and add other users as a member of their entity.
When an entity is created, this generates a schema in the Postgres database. This is not very scalable in enterprise terms, but it makes it easier to keep data isolated between entities and make it easier to create queries.
This project is structured as an umbrella project as well. You can read more about this on
The applications under the umbrella are:
- Cashtrail: This is the core of the application and where all business logic
rules related to baking and transactions are created. You can see
or the docs for more info about how this project is structured. - CastrailWeb: The web application where the LiveView app, GraphQL Schema, and the rest endpoints will be mounted.
You can learn the technologies that this project is built in the following links:
You will need to have Erlang 21.0+ and Elixir 1.10+ installed to continue. You can have the installation instructions on the official elixir website.
After install elixir, you can enter the following command to check the version:
foo@bar:~$ elixir --version
Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Elixir 1.10.2 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)
You should have access to a Postgres 9.6+ database to run the application and the tests. You can have the installation instructions on the official Postgres website.
First, you have to clone this repository.
foo@bar:~$ git clone [email protected]:maxmaccari/cashtrail.git
Cloning into 'cashtrail'...
foo@bar:~$ cd cashtrail
After you can run mix deps.get
to fetch all dependencies.
foo@bar:~$ mix deps.get
And you can compile the dependencies through the command
foo@bar:~$ mix deps.compile
You can change the database configuration on config/test.exs
. After setting the
proper configuration you can run the following command.
foo@bar:~$ mix test
You can see the Ecto Repositories documentation if you need instructions to configure the database.
You can change the database configuration for development on config/dev.exs
After setting the proper configuration you can run the following command.
foo@bar:~$ mix phx.server
[info] Running CashtrailWeb.Endpoint with cowboy 2.7.0 at (http)
[info] Access CashtrailWeb.Endpoint at http://localhost:4000
You can access the server at http://localhost:4000
You can see the Ecto Repositories documentation if you need instructions to configure the database.
- Maxsuel Fernandes Maccari - maxmaccari - Linkedin
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details