"Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish." -Neal Stephenson, "In the Beginning was the Command Line"
"Show me your ~/.emacs and I will tell you who you are." -Bogdan Maryniuk
"Emacs is like a laser guided missile. It only has to be slightly mis-configured to ruin your whole day." -Sean McGrathi
"While any text editor can save your files, only Emacs can save your soul." -Per Abrahamseni
"Lisp isn't a language, it's a building material." - Alan Kay
"The reasonable man adapts himself to Emacs; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt Emacs to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - G.B. Shaw
"Compared to Emacs Wizards, graphical-IDE users are the equivalent of amateur musicians, pawing at their instrument with a sort of desperation. An IDE has blinking lights and pretty dialogs that you can't interact with properly, and gives newbies a nice comfortable sense of control. But that control is extremely crude, and all serious programmers prefer something that gives them more power." - Steve Yegge
New iteration of my emacs configuration. Built around a few principals that probably don't apply to many people other then me
- I don't really like the emacs key scheme.
- I love modal editing
- I hate vim
- I love lisp, and any reason to use it
- I like my editor to do a lot of work for me, and I like hacking on it
Evil mode is the best vim implementation that I know about that isn't vim. Emacs is a much better platform then vim. That is why this configuration exists.
Also, line numbers are overrated. No linum mode.
does as little as possible. Configuration is done in init/init-*
and is as modular as possible (so that when something goes wrong, you can
comment out modules).
Package management is done by quelpa
, which will use MELPA when possible
to build emacs packages. I think it is a step up from el-get
, and find it
to be much more stable. quelpa
will bootstrap itself and all packages when
emacs loads.
My crazy mappings are mostly in init-keymaps
, and are inspired by all the
different editors I have used before. Both vim and emacs use different
philosophies to have all key mappings available at all times. I prefer instead
to have the things I use frequently quickly available, even if it means not
having the things I don't use easily available in a standard location.
brew install ctags node checkstyle pmd drip
sudo npm install -g jshint
set up rbenv
install emacs pager script somewhere onto your path.
install peepopen. create a new applescript application with this
on open these_items
set this_item to item 1 of these_items
set file_path to (the POSIX path of this_item)
tell application "iTerm"
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient -n " & file_path & ""
end tell
end open
and dump in into /Applications
on ubuntu run
sudo update-alternatives --config ctags
and choose ctags-exuberant
on osx lion do
sudo mv /usr/bin/ctags /usr/bin/ctags-old