Python with Chromedriver, for running automated tests (and other things)
- Python
- Google Chrome
- Chromedriver
- Selenium
- Pandas
- Civis
- Pillow
Run the following in your terminal:
$ cd [your working directory]
$ docker run -it -w /usr/workspace -v $(pwd):/usr/workspace mcoirad/selenium-pandas sh
This will create a container from the image. Then you could starting running the commands in the container as in your working directory. The followings are some examples to run a selenium test.
You can download a selenium test example from here to quick start.
You may run:
# python
Then you should see the test result like this:
test_case_1 (__main__.TestTemplate)
Find and click top-right button ... ok
test_case_2 (__main__.TestTemplate)
Find and click Learn more button ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 8.684s