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PRD v1.0

Rp edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 4 revisions


Version v0.1
Date 14-oct
Product Owners Rp

Purpose and Scope

Business Purpose

Packet sniffer and analyser (PSA) can intercept the packets on the network, store them and analyse them to achieve the following:

  • detect network intrusion attempts
  • monitoring WAN bandwidth
  • detect exploited systems
  • identify application level protocols (like GIT, Skype, etc…)

Technical Purpose

  • PSA is a stand-alone application that is meant to run on Linux systems.
  • PFA can be run either in the background or in the foreground.
  • PSA is expected to locally installed and run when necessary.
  • PSA, once started, can run forever until stopped manually.

Target Audience

PSA can be used by individuals who host Linux based servers, to understand the threat vector & eventually use the data to plug the loopholes in their network security.

Assumptions and Dependencies

Product Assumptions

  • PSA will be monitored by the client & no self monitoring.
  • PSA will be configured according to the constraints of the system on which this will be executed.


  • PSA will be run with the ‘root’ privileges.

Features and Requirements

# Requirement Type Title User Story Importance Notes
1 Functional Support multiple network interfaces AS A user
I WANT TO support multiple NIC interfaces
SO THAT I can monitor all the traffic
2 Functional Identify FQDNs of end-points of all network connections AS A user
I WANT TO see the FQDNs of all my network connections
SO THAT I can classify & understand the origin of those connections
3 Functional Identify application level protocols like GIT, VoIP, etc... AS A user
I WANT TO see the application level protocols used
SO THAT I can classify & understand the origin of the connections
4 Functional Archive the meta-data from each sniffed connections AS A user
I WANT TO analyse the raw data offline
SO THAT I can can analyse the same data repeatedly and for newer patterns
5 Supportability Provide a report of the network activity AS A user
I WANT TO generate custom reports
SO THAT I can analyse & understand the network patterns
Must-have The reporting could evolve over time from a simple print the details to console to a DB archive to Power BI style reporting
6 Functional Identify open ports on the local network AS A user
I WANT TO identify list of open ports within my networked devices
SO THAT I can plug the gap from security point of view
7 Functional Identify & alert network intrusion AS A user
I WANT TO be alerted when a network intrusion happens
SO THAT I can close the access path & reduce data breach
8 Functional Monitor bandwidth usage on a per device basis AS A user
I WANT TO know the bandwidth consumption on a per device basis
SO THAT I can take informed decisions on limiting the bandwidth consumption
9 Functional Identify an exploited device based on the traffic pattern AS A user
I WANT TO know the exploited device
SO THAT I can take measures to repair/clean/fix the system
10 Usability Easy installation & execution AS A user
I WANT TO have one-click installation & one-click execution
SO THAT I can execute this sniffer at will and not worry about setup time
11 Usability Configurability AS A user
I WANT TO auto-configuration (or one-time effort)
SO THAT I can set it up & forget about it
Must-have Auto-configuration is a desired feature. The one-time setup is a must-have
12 Performance Non-intrusive & minimal resource utilisation AS A user
I WANT TO monitor in the background & non-intrusively
SO THAT I can continue my daily operations & activities without any impact
Must-have A CPU-utilization of less than 1% is ideal but a decent 5% can be considered too. The memory usage should not cross 4MB of RAM.
13 Reliability Capture all packets AS A user
I WANT TO capture all the packets
SO THAT this is a one-stop solution
14 Supportability Ability start & stop easily AS A user
I WANT TO stop (or start) the application
SO THAT I can do so if there is a performance degradation or other impacts to regular activity
15 Technical (Integration) Importable package AS A vendor
I WANT TO import PSA’s feature-set in to my application
SO THAT I can perform custom analytics & UI to present to my users
16 Usability Help documentation AS A user
I WANT TO blah
SO THAT I can blah

Release Criteria


#1, #2, #4 & #14 should be satisfied.


#10, #11 should be satisfied.


#11 should be satisfied.


#12 should be satisfied.


#5 should be satisfied.


Event Date
Desired Date of delivery for System Integration Test Phase 12/01/2018
Desired Date of delivery for Production 12/31/2018