(⬆️ You can see the demostration video by click above images ⬆️)
Injiget_char is OCR based Autonomous Forklift System Project.
This project for the 2023 Spring KAIST CS470 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence) [Prof. Daehyng Park]
Our base platform is TURTLEBOT3 and we modify the hardware.
The Block diagram of Injiget_char system is below.
(KAIST, School of Computing)
[email protected] -
Myungwoo Jung
(KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering)
(KAIST, School of Computing)
[email protected] -
(KAIST, Department of Chemistry) [email protected]
Taewoong Yun
(KAIST, Department of Aerospace Engineering)
Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic
(For install ubuntu 20.04 on Jetson Nano, we refer this page)
- Jetson Nano
- 2 Servo Motors
- 3D printed frame
We modify the hardware for build a Tilt & Fork system.
So, before you launch this system, you must build hardware first ❗
Below is the table of the GPIO pin of Jetson Nano connected each servo motor.
Servo Motor | GPIO Pin |
Tilt Motor | 33 |
Fork Motor | 32 |
line number | file path |
10 | servo_control/scripts/fork_control.py |
10 | servo_control/scripts/tilt_control.py |
We use usb_cam package usb_cam for streaming with usb webcam.
⚠️ You must type below command at your catkin workspace at Injiget_char (Jetson Nano)git clone -b develop https://github.com/ros-drivers/usb_cam.git
In our github, injiget_char branch is packages for injiget_char (Jetson Nano)
⚠️ You must type below command at your catkin workspace of Injiget_char (Jetson Nano)git clone -b injiget_char https://github.com/melona0826/injiget_char.git
In our github, host branch is packages for injiget_char
⚠️ You must type below command at your catkin workspace of hostgit clone -b host https://github.com/melona0826/injiget_char.git
- Launch usb_cam launch file
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam.launch
- Launch injiget_char servo control launch file
roslaunch injiget_char servo_control.launch
- Launch injiget_char start launch file
roslaunch injiget_char start.launch
💁 If you want to know more detail information, you can refer our github WIKI page ❗
🤙 If you want to connect us, feel free to mail below mail address ❗