Frontend components for the Report management information sevice at the Crown Commercial Service.
Extends the GOVUK-Frontend components.
- Maintain the GOVUK-Frontend module as a dependacy.
- Styles only, markup is to show usage
- Build to use in Rails applications
Clone the repo, move in to the directory and run:
npm install
Launch the Fractal UI and run watch tasks.
npm start
We follow the GOVUK css coding standards:
Where a component is extended we keep the govuk namespace:
Where a new component is added, we use the ccs namespace:
Run the build process to to create static site in the docs directory, this is so we can publish to Github Pages.
npm run build
Add the dependacy on GOVUK-Frontend in your Rails app
yarn add govuk-frontend
Copy the contents of the stylesheets directory to app/assets/stylesheets in your Rails app
Require reportmi.scss in the manifest
*= require reportmi
config the config/initalizers/assets.rb to locate the GOVUK-Frontend assets and precompile them
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('node_modules/govuk-frontend/assets/images')
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( govuk-frontend/assets/images/* )
configure the $govuk-image-url-function to use the image-url helper function in _settings.scss
$govuk-image-url-function: 'image-url';