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rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility


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Build Status

CoffeeScript with Types.

This repository is heavily under development and unstable. See below milestone.


  • Structual Subtyping
  • Superset of CoffeeScript
  • Easy to replace coffee (pass unannotated coffee)
  • Pessimistic type interfaces

What is pessimistic type interface?

To pass dynamic type system, TypedCoffeeScript expects symbol to implicit node by default. If compiler compares implicit node type and implicit node type and fails, it recover to implicit Any automatically.

Getting Started

Install and run!

$ npm install -g typed-coffee-script
$ tcoffee -c # compile
$ tcoffee # execute
$ tcoffee # repl

Extensions you should know about TypedCoffeeScript

  • .tcoffee and are compiled by TypedCoffeeScript compiler.
  • Compiler uses jashkenas/coffeescript in require('./') by default.
  • if you want to compile .coffee with TypedCoffeeScript, add --self option.

Project Status

Current biggest issues is implementation of typescript d.ts importer.

TypeScript AST parser is ready. mizchi/dts-parser

Current Tasks(v0.12)

  • module system
  • robust namespace resolver
  • splats argument such as ( args...: T[] ) ->
  • this scope in bound function


  • TypeScript *.d.ts importer
  • typealias such as typealias Bar = Foo<T>[]



  • Be stable(RC for 1.0)
  • Add more tests.
  • Coverage of types to symbol
  • Infer super arguments in class
  • (Fix CoffeeScriptRedux bugs if I can)

Known bugs

  • Compiler can't resolve module namespace when namespace has more than three dots, such as A.B.C.d
  • Take over all coffee-script-redux problems
    • super with member access super().member
    • object literal parsing in class field

How to contribute

You can use this compiler without type annotation. All test by CoffeeScriptRedux passed.

If you encounter bugs, such as type interface... parser..., please report as github issues or pull request to me. I also welcome new syntax proposal.

I DON'T reccomend to use in production yet.



  • Generics
  • TypeArgument
  • Fix examples
  • Recognise extensions in require
  • Runnable by tcoffee that has require
  • Class static member type interface
  • Struct with implements


  • Rewrite internal AST and type interfaces
  • Add new command line interface
  • Refactor
  • Nullable
  • MemberAccess in struct definition
  • Infer fuction return type with return in Block
  • Destructive Assignment
  • self hosting


  • Implement basic concepts


Assigment with type

n :: Int = 3

Pre defined symbol

x :: Number
x = 3.14


x :: Number?
x = 3.14
x = null

Typed Array

list :: Int[] = [1..10]
listWithNull :: Int?[] = [1, null, 3]

In v0.10, imperfect to struct.


struct Point
  @name :: String
  x :: Number
  y :: Number
p :: Point = {x: 3, y: 3}
name :: String =

struct Point3d implements Point
  z :: Number


TypedCoffeeScript has module system like TypeScript

module A.B
	class @C
		a :: Int
abc :: A.B.C = new A.B.C

Typed Function

# pre define
f1 :: Int -> Int
f1 = (n) -> n

# annotation
f2 :: Number -> Point = (n) -> x: n, y: n * 2

# multi arguments
f3 :: (Int, Int) -> Int = (m, n) -> m * n

# another form of arguments
f4 :: Int * Int -> Int = (m, n) -> m * n

# partial applying
fc :: Int -> Int -> Int
fc = (m) -> (n) -> m * n

Class with this scope

class X
  # bound to this
  num :: Number
  f   :: Number -> Number

  f: (n) ->
    @num = n

x :: X = new X
n :: Number = x.f 3

Class with implements

class Point
  x :: Int
  y :: Int

struct Size
  width  :: Int
  height :: Int

class Entity extends Point implements Size
e :: {x :: Int, width :: Int} = new Entity

Generics and type arguments

# struct
struct Value<T, U>
	value :: U
struct Id<A, B>
	id :: Value<A, B>
obj :: Id<Int, String> =
    value: 'value'

# function type arguments
map<T, U> :: T[] * (T -> U) -> U[]
map = (list, fn) ->
  for i in list
list :: String[] = map<Int, String> [1..10], (n) -> 'i'

# class type arguments
class Class<A>
  f :: Int -> Int
  constructor :: A -> ()
  constructor: (a) ->
c = new Class<Int>(1)

Forked from CoffeeScript II: The Wrath of Khan

       }   }   {
      {   {  }  }
       }   }{  {
      {  }{  }  }             _____       __  __
     ( }{ }{  { )            / ____|     / _|/ _|
   .- { { }  { }} -.        | |     ___ | |_| |_ ___  ___
  (  ( } { } { } }  )       | |    / _ \|  _|  _/ _ \/ _ \
  |`-..________ ..-'|       | |___| (_) | | | ||  __/  __/
  |                 |        \_____\___/|_| |_| \___|\___|       .-''-.
  |                 ;--.                                       .' .-.  )
  |                (__  \     _____           _       _       / .'  / /
  |                 | )  )   / ____|         (_)     | |     (_/   / /
  |                 |/  /   | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_         / /
  |                 (  /     \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|       / /
  |                 |/       ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_       . '
  |                 |       |_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|     / /    _.-')
   `-.._________..-'                           | |           .' '  _.'.-''
                                               |_|          /  /.-'_.'
                                                           /    _.'
                                                          ( _.-'


Complete enough to use for nearly every project. See the roadmap to 2.0.

Getting Started

npm install -g coffee-script-redux
coffee --help
coffee --js < >output.js

Before transitioning from Jeremy's compiler, see the intentional deviations from jashkenas/coffee-script wiki page.


git clone git:// && cd CoffeeScriptRedux && npm install
make clean && git checkout -- lib && make -j build && make test

Notable Contributors

I'd like to thank the following financial contributors for their large donations to the Kickstarter project that funded the initial work on this compiler. Together, you donated over $10,000. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to do this.

  • Groupon, who is generously allowing me to work in their offices
  • Trevor Burnham
  • Shopify
  • Abakas
  • 37signals
  • Brightcove
  • Gaslight
  • Pantheon
  • Benbria
  • Sam Stephenson
  • Bevan Hunt
  • Meryn Stol
  • Rob Tsuk
  • Dion Almaer
  • Andrew Davey
  • Thomas Burleson
  • Michael Kedzierski
  • Jeremy Kemper
  • Kyle Cordes
  • Jason R. Lauman
  • Martin Drenovac (Envizion Systems - Aust)
  • Julian Bilcke
  • Michael Edmondson

And of course, thank you Jeremy (and all the other contributors) for making the original CoffeeScript compiler.


rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility







No packages published


  • CoffeeScript 81.1%
  • JavaScript 18.9%