This is gonna be a rating project for universities but it goes a movie website right now :).
For starting this project;
Download or Clone the code to your desktop.
ng serve --open
go build
go run main.go
Those all things should write to the terminal of the specific file or folder.
- Angular environment created.
- service, component, model files are created.
- First connection established with backend side.
- Just created a simple struct that has 3 data variables with string type.
- Necessary imports made like js files,bootstrap.
- Dashboard component generated.
- Movie component,service and model generated and integrated with MongoDB data structs
- Episodes model and service generated to show the movies episodes and integrated with MongoDB data structs
- CORS files added to the go file and synchronized with all system.
- addAnime() function created on backend side. And it integrated with the frontend side. ( Works well! )
- Product adding service and component added to the angular side. Retrieving the data from the POST method and sends it to the backend side. ( /add-anime )
- Navi,category and dashboard components created and updated.
- Necessery importations and changes made on app.module.ts, app.component.html, app-routing.module.ts ( npm Toastr, FormsModules, ReactiveFormsModule and Routings).
- Product-add service created to integrate with backend. Movie service updated to get all the data from database about movies,animes and sports collections.
- Anime and Sport interfaces are created. These interfaces are same with the movie interface.
- Sports and Animes components are created and Movies component updated to just show movie collection.
- Navi, Dashboard and Category updated and integrated. Add button added to the navi. There are 3 forms in add buttons route. So add button can add the data to the database for 3 collection right now. ( Tested and Works Well! )
- Adding functions added to the main.go file and created the API's. 4 Structs added to the main.go file. All of them are integrated.
- Add-product component file edited to add data to 3 collections.
- Routing stuffs are OK! with angular side.
- Episode adding feature added to the backend and frontend. The user can select a movie, anime or sport show from dropdown and can import an episode into it. ( Works Well! )
- The dropdown's options comes from 3 different collections which includes movies, animes and sport shows.
- Models created for episodes in frontend side.
- Tried to create a filter API but can't handle it with yet. There is some code about filtering by id to show episodes when the user clicks to the Watch button. ( NOT WORKING YET! )
- The button added to the navi for importing episodes into movies or something. This button routes to new page for user to import episodes.
- Episode filtering and showing feature added for the sport section.
- Bugs fixed from -29.06.2022- ( filterAPI )
- Dashboard css updated.
- Episodes component and service updated, fixed and integrated with filterAPI.
- Unnecessery comment-lined files deleted from main.go file.
- Models and Server folders created.
- Struct models and functions ( setters, getters ) moved to models and server folders.
- Anime and Movie episodes getting byID added to the components and service on angular side.
- Anime and Movie episodes getting byID functions added to the main.go, API Paths created to the server.go.
- Anime delete API created. ( Tested on POSTMAN works Well!! ) It deletes the selected anime from animes collection with it's episodes(from anime-episodes coll).
- Cors function updated to AllowAll() from Default() to integrate with DELETE method.
- deleteAnime() service added into the movie.service.ts file with API coming from main.go file.
- Some box styling updates.
- Images generated for all anime & movie & sport categories.
- deleteAnime() service integrated with components.
- User can delete the anime from button of ( - ) near the Watch button right now! ( Works Well!! ).
- The pages alert the which anime deleted on the top when the user deleted an anime.
- deleteMovie() & deleteSport() funcs added to the main.go & server.go files.
- routing updates on frontend side for deleteMovie and deleteSport
- buttons added for deleting and some styling updates.
- deleting funcs integrated with component.ts of dashboard.
- updateAnime() func added. Trying to handle with it.. ( NOT WORKING RIGHT NOW! )
- Redis lib downloaded for caching system. ( Will integrate soon. )
- Connection speed increased with declaring a global variable of InitiateMongoClient() function.
- episodes component deleted because of some bugs.
- episodes categories are divided into components
- sport-episodes component created and integrated with episodes service.
- movie-episodes component created and integrated with episodes service.
- anime-episodes component created and integrated with episodes service.
- some fixes with linking in animes component.
- dashboartd component text fixed.
- icon of the website changed.
- The server uri changed to the local on mongoDB ( My tests says : The free MongoDB Atlas Cluster is too slow. You should buy a paid cluster to work fast. )
- Update function created for Anime category ( Tested on Postman Works Well!! )
- Started to designing of product updating page in front-end side.
- Started to create update service and integrating with API.