use Router::Right;
my $r = Router::Right->new;
$r->add(home => '/', 'Home#show');
$r->add(blog => '/blog/{year}/{month}', 'Blog#monthly');
my $match = $r->match('/blog/1916/08');
# Returns {
# controller => 'Blog',
# action => 'monthly',
# year => '1916',
# month => '08',
# }
Router::Right is a Perl5-based, framework-agnostic routing engine used to map web application request URLs to application handlers.
Returns a new Router::Right instance
add($name => $route_path, \%payload [, %options])
Define a route. $name is used to reference the route elsewhere. On a successful match, the payload hash reference is returned; by convention, a payload includes "controller" and "action" values. For example:
$r->add(entries => '/entries', { controller => 'Entries', action => 'show' })
See the ROUTE DEFINITION section for details on how $route_path values are specified.
Also, if the payload consists solely of controller and action values, it can be specified as a string in the format "controller#action". For example:
$r->add(entries => '/entries', 'Entries#show')
is exactly equivalent to specifying a payload of: { controller => 'Entries', action => 'show' }.
By default, routes match any HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST). To restrict them, supply a "methods" option. e.g.,
$r->add(entries => '/entries', 'Entries#show', methods => 'GET')
That would only match GET requests. The value may be either a string or an array reference of strings. e.g.,
$r->add(entries => '/entries', 'Entries#show', methods => [qw/ GET POST /])
Method strings are case-insensitive. As a convenience, the allowed methods can also be specified as part of the route path itself. e.g.,
$r->add(entries => 'GET|POST /entries', 'Entries#show')
match($url [, $method])
Attempts to find a route that matches the supplied $url. Routes are matched in the order defined.
If a match is found, its associated payload is returned. If not, undef is returned and the error() method will indicate why the match failed.
$method, if supplied, is the HTTP method of the request (e.g., GET, POST, etc.). Specifying $method may prevent a route from otherwise matching if the route was defined with a restricted set of allowed methods (see ROUTE DEFINITION). By default, all request methods are allowed.
While the payload is always a hash reference, starting with version 1.05, it is also blessed into the Router::Right::Match class, which provides access to the route definition that resulted in the match.
Returns the error code of the last failed match.
404 = no match found 405 = method not allowed
A 405 result indicates a match was found, but the request method was not allowed. allowed_methods() can be called to obtain a list of the methods that are permitted for the route.
The above error codes are also available as symbolic constants through the NOT_FOUND and METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED functions.
allowed_methods([ $name ])
Returns the list of allowed methods for a given route name or path. In list context, returns a list. In scalar context, returns an array reference. An empty list/array indicates that all methods are permitted.
If route $name is supplied, returns its permitted methods. Returns undef in scalar context if the route is unknown. If $name contains a forward slash, it's intepreted as a route path, instead.
With no argument, returns the methods permitted by the last match() attempt. Returns undef in scalar context if there was no prior match.
$r->add(entries => 'PUT|GET /entries', { controller => 'Entries' }); print join(', ', $r->allowed_methods('entries')), "\n"; # prints GET, PUT
url($name [, %params])
Constructs a URL from the $name route. Placeholder values are supplied as %params. Unknown placeholder values are appended as query string parameters.
$r->add(entry => '/entries/{year}', { controller => 'Entry' }); $r->url('entry', year => '1916', q => 'abc'); # produces /entries/1916?q=abc
The return value is a URI instance.
Returns a report of the defined routes, in order of definition.
with($name => $route_path [, %options]
Helper method to share information across multiple routes. For example:
$r->with(admin => '/admin', 'Admin') ->add(users => '/users', '#users') ->add(trx => '/transactions', '#transactions') ; print $r->as_string; # prints: # admin_users * /admin/users { action => "users", controller => "Admin" } # admin_trx * /admin/transactions { action => "transactions", controller => "Admin" }
The payload contents are merged. The route names are joined by an underscore. The paths are concatenated. Either or both of $name and $route_path may be undefined.
If a nested route specifies a controller beginning with '::', it is concatenated with the outer controller name. For example:
$r->with(admin => '/admin', 'Admin') ->add(users => '/users', '::User#show') ; print $r->as_string; # prints: # admin_users * /admin/users { action => "show", controller => "Admin::User" }
A callback is accepted, which allows chaining with() calls:
$r->with(admin => '/admin', { controller => 'Admin' }, call => sub { $_->add(users => '/users', { action => 'users' }); $_->add(log => '/log', { action => 'log' }); })->with(dashboard => '/dashboard', { controller => 'Admin::Dashboard' }, call => sub { $_->add(view => '/{action}'); }); print $r->as_string; # prints: # admin_users * /admin/users # admin_log * /admin/log # admin_dashboard_view * /admin/dashboard/{action}
Within the callback function, $_ is set to the router instance. It is also supplied as a parameter.
resource($name, \%payload [, %options])
Adds routes to create, read, update, and delete a given resource. For example:
my $r = Router::Right->new->resource('message', { controller => 'Message' }); print $r->as_string, "\n"; # prints: # messages GET /messages{.format} { action => "index", controller => "Message" } # POST /messages{.format} { action => "create", controller => "Message" } # formatted_messages GET /messages.{format} { action => "index", controller => "Message" } # new_message GET /messages/new{.format} { action => "new", controller => "Message" } # formatted_new_message GET /messages/new.{format} { action => "new", controller => "Message" } # message GET /messages/{id}{.format} { action => "show", controller => "Message" } # PUT /messages/{id}{.format} { action => "update", controller => "Message" } # DELETE /messages/{id}{.format} { action => "delete", controller => "Message" } # formatted_message GET /messages/{id}.{format} { action => "show", controller => "Message" } # edit_message GET /messages/{id}{.format}/edit { action => "edit", controller => "Message" } # formatted_edit_message GET /messages/{id}.{format}/edit { action => "edit", controller => "Message" }
A route path is a normal URL path with the addition of placeholder variables. For example:
$r->add(entries => '/entries/{year}/{month}');
defines a route path containing two placeholders, "year" and "month'. By default, a placeholder matches any string up to the next forward slash.
Placeholder names must not begin with a number, nor contain hyphens or forward slashes.
The default match rule may be overridden. For example:
$r->add(entries => '/entries/{year:\d+}/{month:\d+}');
is the same as above, except it will only match if both the year and month contain only digits.
The special {.format} placeholder can be used to allow an optional file extension to be appended. For example:
$r->add(download => '/dl/{file}{.format}', { controller => 'Download' });
$r->match('/dl/foo.gz'); # returns { controller => 'Download', file => 'foo', format => 'gz' }
$r->match('/dl/foo'); # returns { controller => 'Download', file => 'foo' }
# And to build a URL from it:
$r->url('download', file => 'foo', format => 'bz2'); # /dl/foo.bz2
Router::Right is based on Tokuhiro Matsuno's Router::Simple and Router::Boom modules.
This module seeks to implement most features of Python's Routes: