This is a Google Chromium container using the armhf architecture. Currently, it provides widevine CDM support.
To build the application, you have to clone it first,
sudo apt install docker pulseaudio-utils pulseaudio
git clone
cd docker-chromium-armhf
sudo docker build -t hthiemann/chromium-armhf .
You need to enabel xhost forwarding first:
xhost +local:docker
If the xhost command can not be found, make sure to install it first (on manjaro, the required package is 'xorg-xhost').
Although not required, it is recommended to save chromium settings in a volume, to make it persistent through container restarts.
sudo docker volume create chromium_home
After creating the volume, you can run the image using the following command:
sudo docker pull hthiemann/docker-chromium-armhf
sudo cp chromium-armhf /usr/local/bin
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)