- 👋 Hi, I’m @mrhamm,
I am a physics Ph.D. that went rogue to study blockchain technology and smart contracts. I have worked on a variety of blockchains, including Ethereum, Solana, and Hyperledger. I study and develop decentralized applications, ranging from DeFi projects to NFTs. Courtesy to my research background, I have a penchant for collecting and analyzing on-chain data of all types.
Prior to my blockchain career, I studied Theoretical Cosmology, Differential Geometry, and Dark Matter Physics for my Ph.D. (See my arXiv profile at: https://arxiv.org/search/?query=benjamin+hamm&searchtype=author&source=header) My primary experience in coding has been in numerical and computational methods with a specific focus on systems of non-linear differential equations and how they can be used to model the physics of Dark Matter in galaxies.
Recently, I have taken an interest in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. I find the concepts of decentralization and decentralized programming to be fascinating and exciting. Moreover, blockchain's growing role in the financial and political worlds should not be ignored. As a physicist, I enjoy problem solving - the new and rapidly growing blockchain ecosystem has the potential to solve important problems that affect our every day lives.
This github profile serves as a documentation of my pubilcly available scripts. My primary languages are Python and Solidity, though I am quite familiar with Javascript, Matlab, R, SQL and html, and general Object Oriented Programming.
Blockchain Skills/Libraries: web3.py, web3.js, testnet, truffle, brownie, Hyperledger EVM, Remix, openzeppelin ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155
Web Frameworks: Flask
Numerics: Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas
Physics/Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Multivatiate Calculus, Tensors, Differential geometry, Nonlinear Systems of Partial Differential Equations, General Relativity & Gravitation, Cosmology, Galactic Dynamics, Dark Matter, Particle Physics
Ph.D. Theoretical Physics 2021: Duke University Dissertation: Scalar Field Wave Dark Matter in the Context of Galaxies
- 📫 How to reach me ... Email: [email protected] Website: www.mrhamm.net