Release v0.10.0
Support for
drain mode
(#157)This feature allows clients to gracefully disconect, letting the subscribers
handle any inflight messages that may have been sent by the server already.NATS.start(drain_timeout: 1) do |nc| NATS.subscribe('foo', queue: "workers") do |msg, reply, sub| nc.publish(reply, "ACK:#{msg}") end NATS.subscribe('bar', queue: "workers") do |msg, reply, sub| nc.publish(reply, "ACK:#{msg}") end NATS.subscribe('quux', queue: "workers") do |msg, reply, sub| nc.publish(reply, "ACK:#{msg}") end EM.add_timer(2) do next if NATS.draining? # Drain gracefully closes the connection. NATS.drain do puts "Done draining. Connection is closed." end end end
Support for
mode (#155)When connected to a NATS Server v1.2.0 or above, a client can now opt to avoid
receiving messages that it itself has published.NATS.connect(no_echo: true)
API is now more similar to how it works in the Go client (#156):# Assume 'nats://' scheme NATS.connect("") # Complete with scheme a la Go client classic usage. NATS.connect("nats://") # Use default 4222 port. NATS.connect("") # Explicit cluster list still supported NATS.connect(servers: ["nats://"])
Client now supports token based authorization
NATS.connect(token: "deadbeef") NATS.connect(uri: "nats://[email protected]:4222") NATS.connect("nats://[email protected]:4222")
- Removed Ruby 2.2 from build since no longer supported