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Table of Contents(中文说明)

1. Lite-pool

1.1. Brief introduction

Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central Javadocs

A lite fast object pool written by Java.

1.2. Requirements

jdk 1.8+
maven-3.3.1+(support toolchains)

1.3. Maven dependency


1.4. Install from source code

    $mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true --global-toolchains ./toolchains.xml

2. Usage

2.1. PoolBuilder

Config Default value Details
minimum 0 minimum allowed objects in pool
maximum 16 maximum allowed objects in pool
tti 15 minutes time to idle, optional maximum pool objects' idle time, unit ms
ttl 60 minutes time to live, optional maximum pool objects' life time, unit ms
tenancy 1 minutes optional leak detection timeout, unit ms, (MUST >= interval)
timeout 8 seconds default acquire timeout, unit ms
interval 15 seconds default house keeping scheduler's interval, unit ms
local true use ThreadAllocator as L1 cache or not
verbose false print log or not
fifo false pool allocation policy, false has better performance
allocator DefaultAllocator pool allocator, can be customized by extending AbstractAllocator
supplier           required callback for creating pool objects         
consumer optional callback for destroying pool objects
validator optional callback for validating pool objects
validation PULSE precondition for validator, e.g : new PoolValidation((byte)(PULSE|ACQUIRE|RELEASE))

2.2. Standalone usage

    public class YourPoolObject {
    Pool<YourPoolObject> pool = new PoolBuilder<YourPoolObject>()
                    .local(true) // using thread local
                    .supplier(() -> new YourPoolObject())
                    .build("object pool");
    try {
        for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            YourPoolObject object = null;
            try {
                object = pool.acquire();
                if (object != null) {
                    // your code goes here. 
            } finally {
                if (object != null) pool.release(object);
    } finally {

2.3. Spring integration

    public class YourPoolObject {
    package your.package;
    public class Factory implements Supplier<YourPoolObject> {
        public YourPoolObject get() {
            return new YourPoolObject();

Spring configuration:

    <bean id="your.object.pool" class="cn.nextop.lite.pool.impl.ObjectPool" 
        init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
        <constructor-arg index="0" value="your.object.pool"/>
        <property name="config">
            <bean class="cn.nextop.lite.pool.PoolConfig">
                <property name="minimum" value="10"/>
                <property name="supplier">
                    <bean class="your.package.Factory"/>

3. PoolListener

    Pool<YourPoolObject> pool = new PoolBuilder<YourPoolObject>()
                    .local(true) // using thread local
                    .supplier(() -> new YourPoolObject())
                    .build("object pool");
    pool.addListener(event -> {
        YourPoolObject item = event.getItem();
        switch (event.getType()) {
            case ACQUIRE:
                // your code goes here
            case RELEASE:
                // your code goes here
            case LEAKAGE:
                // your code goes here
                throw new AssertionError();

4. Write your own PoolAllocator

public class YourPoolAllocator<T> extends AbstractAllocator<T> {

    public YourPoolAllocator(Pool<T> pool, String name) {
        super(pool, name);

    protected Slot<T> doRelease(T t) {
        // if uses thread local as L1 cache, thread allocator will try to acquire without delegating to 
        // parent allocator, but always delegate to parent to release. that requires your allocator is 
        // able to remove duplication on release.
        // if pool object is invalidated, your allocator should delete it and invoke super.consume(t).
        // please refer to DefaultAllocator and AllocationQueue for more details.
        return null;

    protected Slot<T> doAcquire(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        // returns null if timeout or thread is interrupted.
        // if the acquired object is invalid and do not reach out timeout, do following steps:
        // step1 : permanently delete it and invoke super.consume(t).
        // step2 : acquire again until timeout.
        // please refer to DefaultAllocator and AllocationQueue for more details.
        return null;

    public static class Factory<T> implements PoolAllocatorFactory<T> {
        @Override public final PoolAllocator<T> create(final Pool<T> v) {
            String n = v.getName() + ""; return new YourPoolAllocator<>(v, n);

Register YourPoolAllocator to Pool

Pool<YourPoolObject> pool = new PoolBuilder<YourPoolObject>()
                    .allocator(new YourPoolAllocator.Factory<>())
                    .build("object pool");

5. JMX

MXBean : cn.nextop.lite.pool:type=PoolConfig

Attribute Modifiable Details
Maximum Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder
Minimum Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder
Tenancy Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder
Timeout Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder
Tti Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder
Ttl Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder
Verbose Yes see 2.1. PoolBuilder

MXBean : cn.nextop.lite.pool:type=PoolAllocator

Attribute Modifiable Details
EntireCount No pool's entire object count.
WorkingCount No pool's working object count, equivalent to EntireCount - RestingCount.
RestingCount No pool's resting object count.
PendingCount No pool's pending request count.

6. Benchmark

Test env:

    OS : Windows 7 Home(64bit)
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4710 CPU @ 3.70GHz  3.70GHz
    RAM: 8.00 GB
    JDK: java version "1.8.0_151"

Test case:

Basic Parameters: 10 minimum, 10 maximum

    TestObject object = pool.acquire();
    if (object != null) pool.release(object);

(unit: ops/ms)

Parameters: see

Benchmark Classes: see and


Use ThreadAllocator as L1 cache result:

Unused ThreadAllocator as L1 cache result: